Chapter 8

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Oh gosh I'm so sorry everyone---Senior year is very stressful and I had to do extra so I can fit in this chapter!!

I hope you enjoy!


Two weeks have gone by and its finally the new year. Our court date of December 30th was moved to January 16th due to the predicament we have fallen into. Which can be a good thing cause that means more time with Aria, just in case.

Today is the first day back from Winter break. 

   I haven't been able to see the light of day in a long time, but today all three of us will.  

I slip on a cozy pair of black jeans, gray soccer team sweatshirt and my pair of white slip on shoes. My long brown hair was pulled back into two dutch braids and my necklace hidden under my sweatshirt, close to my chest like always.

Living in a small town I knew words must have gone around about my father's plan and my baby sister. In Pampa, everyone knows each other.

Aria was going to stay with an older lady who likes to be called "grandma", she the janitor of this place. And as for Tyler, he made friends with a few secret service officers and they would be helping me with driving from his soccer events after and during school.

Life here hasn't been terrible. Just gloomy and dark, especially creepy with cameras watching you everywhere.

"Ray! You ready to go?" A voice called across the main room. The vast space was the shape of a donut with a track up above where I was standing that had security screens all around and then below consisted of all the busy work. 

Busy work, I mean millions of dollars of technology and top secret information that I can and you will never see.

I run around the track to greet hunter holding Tyler on his shoulders. Tyler's hair had been cut short and he dressed in a nice pair of jeans, an old pair of sneakers, and a Pampa high school shirt Hunter gave to him from when he played baseballl. 

"Yea, lets get going before I crawl back into bed," I joke and begin my way up towards the elevator. It seemed like ages before we reached to the top, and for being in Texas our soil is weak. How has this place not collapsed?

Nearing the top a group of men opened a hatch door and we walked out into an abandoned parking lot. The elementary school was right down the road so I bent down and gave my little brother a kiss.

"What if dad comes for me Ray?" His little voice asked. I had forgotten that he knew what was happening.

"Well, you have Hunter and I to protect you. That man will not come anywhere near you." I smirk


 I twirl around and face towards the noise, but to only see a shaking bush in the wind. Turning back around I face Tyler again.

"I want to see dad, but I don't know," He looks down at his feet. I lift his chin up and stare into his big blue eyes, they showed fear and worry. For a little boy, I couldn't be more proud of how he has handled this situation. Our mothers death, father deployment, and the sudden move, all of which I can barely handle at this point.

"Just don't even think about him, okay? Just think about indoor soccer practice after school today and when you get back the base you can hang out with your buddies." I say before he engulfs me in a tight hug. 

"Okay lets get walking before your sister is late for class," Hunter pipes in as he holds out Tyler's backpack. 

Tyler swings his bag on and makes his way towards the crosswalk across the parking lot. His entire day will be watched with cameras and men in disguise. And as for me, I will have Hunter and a whole team that will be making a scene of fixing up the exterior of the school.

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