Crash landing- Gracie

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I was just sitting down drawing a lion, it was a robot like lion but was red and four more that formed this amazing robot that could save the world in great danger. I felt my phone vibrate it was Pidge. What could she possibly want?
I looked at the text "the Galra are coming to earth get ready to leave and have your weapons"
I ran to my closet and got my things together then came across my pilot uniform from the garrison where me and Pidge and some other guys who are named Lance and Hunk. I remember another who I barely remember after I lost some of my memory.
The ground started to shake then I saw the Galra and a red lion in front of my ship I had built to one day leave earth. Pidge texted me again.
"Hurry to the red lion and get on board"
I ran as fast as I could to the lion as a beam hit me in the arm. I winced in pain and grabbed my choose of weapon Pidge had designed for me for anything that I may need it for. Suddenly a man with a red suit helped me up.

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