The big mission-Gracie

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Me and Keith walked out of his room as everyone was in the kitchen
"I'll stay behind, tell the others I'm still sleeping."
"Ok" Keith said as he kissed my forehead
I went into my room and got into my pajamas to make it looked like I was just sleeping. My tank top was cold on my body and my shorts were baggy. I'll have to change before I train.
All these .thoughts flew in my head; 'What if one of use dies in battle, the other would be heart broken.
'What if Keith gets hurt because he's worried about me getting hurt?'
'Does Keith even like me or is he just doing this to make Lance mad?'
I shook my head. I love him and he loves me back. I walked to the kitchen as everyone was quiet. I couldn't find Keith anywhere.
"Hey, what's going on?"
Everyone was still silent. I looked around still no Keith. I ran out of the kitchen and into
Keith's garage . I saw his face in reds eye window.
No answer...
"Red open up, please!"
Red opened her mouth to let me in by Keith. I ran to him crying, both him and me.
"Are you okay?"
"AndI feel like we should break up."
"I thought how hard it would be if I lost you..."
"I did to, but I thought my love for you is strong and I will protect you and hopefully you would do the same."
He looked at me more hopeful than earlier when he was crying and looked heartbroken.
"I hope we can still date still..."
"What ever you wanted birthday girl." He pulled me in for a kiss and I felt like sparks flew.
"So you ready for tonight?"
"Not really, but I get to spend it with you sooooo....." Keith blushed a little harder with each word. I gave him a peck on the cheek.

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