Take off-Gracie

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Allura wake me up along with Keith.
"Get the bag Pidge and Hunk have prepared."
"Ok princess."
"Be careful, we already at the planet we will be at a mission, yours is near by I sent the cornets to Keith's lion."
Why can't I take my own? Well I guess that I don't know how to drive it yet but I'm a fast learner. Oh well me and Keith just to find out who sent the signal.
On me and Keith's way to his garage we were greeted by Hunk and Pidge.
Hunk handed me a suit and helmet. "Me and Pidge made you this suit and helmet last night so you won't get as hurt easily."
I thanked them both as Pidge handed me a bag. "It holds food and water and extra things to help you."
I hugged them both. "Thank you so much!"
Keith got his bag. We entered the red lion.
"You ready?"
"Not really but I have you to do this mission with."
"You can change in the back if you want I'll slowly go to the next planet."
"Ok thanks." I kissed Keith on the cheek as he start to drive. I got into the suit as fast as possible. We haven't left the planets atmosphere yet. I sat down near Keith's seat.
"You can sit on my lap if you want..."
"Umm... ok."I sat on Keith's lap. And of course I was blushing. Why was this so awkward if we were dating? Probably because this is a mission and not a date.
Soon we entered the new planets atmosphere. Keith landed red.
"I'm gonna see if this place has a lot of gravity."
Keith went outside to see if there was gravity. Nope, there is little, it has more gravity than the moon but less than Earth. Good to know. I grabbed the bags, handing one to Keith.
The planet looked like a waste land.
"There's no way someone lives here!"
"Keith be quiet! I hear something."
I heard sobbing, I followed the sound of the crying. I saw a little body. The only thing was, it was Galra. I took a deep breath and walked to the Galra child. Keith followed with his sword ready.
"Hello," I said as the child showed its face. It was Galra, a little boy. "I'm Gracie and this is Keith. Did you send out a stress signal?"
"Yes my parents left me here because I didn't listen..." I felt my eyes tearing up
"Keith we have to help this child!"
"Are you crazy?" He said then looked into my eyes and then said "Fine, but your explaining this to the team."
"Ok umm... you need a name."
"How about Seth?"
"I like that" Seth peeped out.
"Ok Seth let's get you to the lion and castle."
"I have a question!"
I looked at Seth.
"Ok tell me." Keith said gentle.
"Is it ok if I called you... mama and papa?" My face turned a light shade of pink and Keith's was as red as his lion.
I spoke lightly. "S-sure. N-now let's get back to the team." I cradled Seth in my arms. He looked tired.
Seth fell asleep as soon as we got into red. Keith was quiet. Was he weirded out by this? Probably, I mean it's not every day that you find a kid stranded in the middle of know where!
We landed in the castle, the others were there to. It fell silent, except Lance laughing. Seth woke up an saw all the unfamiliar faces in the room.
"Who are these people mama and papa?"
This cracked Lance up even more. I sat down Seth and Allura quickly said hello to him.
"Hello I'm princess Allura and I'm the princess of this castle and ship."
Allura seem to love the idea of becoming a grandmother. Shiro went over to us. "You know a child is a lot of work right? And even more important, your still a child even!"
"Shiro I'm 17 and Keith is turning 18 soon."
"Mama are you mad at grandpa?" Seth peeped in again.
"No, mama is just talking to grandpa."
Shiro also liked the idea of being a grandparent. Wow! Just wow!
Lance finally stopped laughing. Wiping a fake tear off his face. "So the kid calls you mama and papa? Like if you were married?!" He kept laughing. I wanted to punch him. Keith put his hand on my shoulder attempting to calm me down. I settled down a bit.
"Allura can Seth use an extra room?"
She needs to settle down.
"Mama can you cuddle me?"
"Sure thing." I sat down on the couch with Seth and put my around his body. Soon he was fast asleep.
"Well grandpa is gonna have a beer."
I rolled my eyes. "Count
Me in!" Really Keith!
Pidge sat across me. "So... tomorrow can I babysit Seth?"
"I don't see why not."  Pidge hasn't spent much time with kids. I think it would be good for her. "I'll even pay you to do it."
"Yeah, you did a job if you babysit."
"Thanks!" Pidge gave me a hug and went off to her room to play games or something.
Shiro and Keith already drank around 3
Or 4 beers. Keith was drunk and so was Shiro.
Shiro went to bed, like a responsible adult, unlike Keith who walked over to me drunk and sat down on the other side of me, were Seth wasn't, and tried to speak.
"Gracie we should get married!"
"Keith! We barely dated a month!"
"So I really love you!"
"Keith you drunk! You need to sleep!"
"Only if you cuddle me like Seth!"
"Fine!" I rolled my eyes and snuggled Keith, closely. I fell asleep with my head on his shoulder. Seth was right next to me and was still curled up to me.

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