Shocking news-Gracie

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Me and Keith sat down next to Pidge and Hunk, Lance was next to Keith. Everyone was silent. Shiro and Allura were up in front of us. Coran was working on a seat for me and Seth in the control room.
Shiro finally said something, "Umm... this maybe awkward but, me and Allura have been dating the last few years secretly."
Me and Pidge squealed and hug Allura. We have been shipping them together since Pidge joined voltron and told me everything.
"Also," he continued "I have a question for Allura." He turned to her "will you marry me?"
"YES!!" Allura loves this part of any culture. She loved watching videos of people proposing on Itube. Now I know why!
"But I have some bad news," Shiro said more tamed. "Gracie..."
"Yeah Shiro?"
"You know you brother, and how he 'must have gotten me confused with someone else.'?"
"Well he was confused that I was your other brother."
"But that's not all..." my heart was beating fast. "I am your brother." My mouth dropped opened. This all makes sense now.
"Father told me that you'll be the next ruler. I didn't want you to go through any of that shit and brought you to Earth. Also I choose your foster family and told them my plan and wanted you to follow in my foot steps. But I didn't want you to go to Eden. Not till the proficiency was surly true. Right now it is."
I hugged Shiro. I can't believe after all this time, searching for my brother. He was right in front of me.
"Well I'm gonna put on a movie and we can celebrate!" Hunk said standing up.
"I'll get the wine." Pidge stood up and dragged Lance with her so he can grab the beer for Shiro , Keith, and himself. Allura walked out still in tears of joy that I would be her sister and Shiro, my brother, would marry her.
Me and Keith were alone.
"just remember we will be stars together."
"Ok space boy." I messed up his hair a bit. He chuckled until Pidge came in and interrupted.
"The movies ready."
I looked at Keith... "race ya?"
"Oh your on!!"
We raced to the entertainment center and he tackled me on the couch.
"Watch out Keith, she's like my little sister!" Lance screamed. Witch was true, besides making fun of each other me and Lance are like brother and sister.
Keith rolled his eyes "shes fine. I hope!"
"Yes I'm one hundred percent fine!"
"Good because,"Keith got down on one knee "Gracie, will you make me the happiest man on earth, or where ever the hell we are, and marry me... if I have your brother's blessings." He said looking up at Shiro. He nodded.
"Y-yes!" I hugged him. How did I get so lucky?!
"Hey why don't we just move to Eden and station there? And when ever the Galra came, we kick their asses?"
"Lance! That may be an actual good idea!"
"Thanks sissy... I think."
We all laughed. Times like this I wish could last forever.
I quickly message Hiro that he's no longer be the ruler of Eden. My plan is that I'd split eden in half, one half for me, Keith, Seth, and the rest of the team, and one for Shiro and Allura.
Soon everything will be perfect, I'd be happy, have a family, and I'd have a home.

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