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I was still hugging Seth. He wouldn't stop crying. Gracie hands were glowing still. It was confirmed that she, somehow, had powers.
Shiro tried to approach her. "GET AWAY! I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU!" She screamed.
Everyone was confused. How could this have happened?
"Everyone this may sound crazy," Pidge piped up "but Keith unleashed Gracie's powers!"
"What?!" The team said in unison.
"Apparently, the royal blood of Eden are born with little powers like healing and flying. But once they find their true love, and share a child, aka Seth, their full powers are unleashed!" My mouth hung open for a few seconds. Me and Gracie were meant for each other?
Gracie calmed down and her hands stopped glowing. Seth ran up to Gracie.
"So does this mean I'm a prince now?"
"I guess it does!"
"Then that make papa the king!"
Me and Gracie blushed. Shiro walked forward.
"Gracie and Keith go put Seth to bed I need to talk to you all after." We nodded, worried about what he needed to share.
Seth was in my arms and Gracie was at my side. We walked to Seth's room and laid him down on his bed.
"Night sport." I said turning as Gracie kissed Seth's forehead.
"Mama can you sing me a bed time song?"
"Umm... sure"
"Why don't you sing him 'dancing on my own' the song we sang together the night before we meet Seth?"
Gracie nodded and sang with  me until Seth was fast asleep. We quickly and quietly got back to the training deck where the were waiting for us.

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