Training- Allura

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The new girl, Gracie I think it was, seemed like she was royalty or something because she knew how to act around a princess! Finally someone who will respect me as a princess! But she will still have to prove to me that she is capable of being on this team.
" hello my name is Allura, I'm at the princess of this castle and ship, I hope you will prove yourself to be a helpful addition to the team." I said to her proud of myself.
She simply smiled "Hello I'm Gracie and i will work very hard to let you know I can help."
She has so much patience it seems, because most people just introduce themselves to me and then leave. Before she left to meet the other she bowed her head a bit to show respect.
I pulled Keith a side "Can Gracie stay with you, her room isn't fully prepared yet."
Keith blushed and nodded to say yes. What is with people from earth?!

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