Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I jiggled my keys in the lock, cursing under my breath. “Come on.” My body shook due to the cold and I worked at the lock more frantically. Still, it wouldn’t budge. I cursed to myself again and put my hand right over the lock and closed my eyes, letting my magic trail down my arms and across my fingertips. Suddenly, I heard the lock click and smiled to myself, opening the door to step inside. “God damn, it’s cold.”


“Yes. It is.” I screamed as soon as a set of arms wrapped around me, yanking me to a large, hard body. I thrashed and slammed my fists into the hard chest, but his hands just wrapped around my wrists and restrained them. “Calm down, witch.”


I growled and looked to my familiar, Nila. “Get him!” I screamed, aware that the large man was using his weight to shove me to the floor. His body fell over mine and a hand wrapped around my throat.


“You will not revive the wolf king. It is time for him to die.” I cried out as my throat was crushed in his hand I clawed at his hands. I was desperate for air, for freedom. I was all too relieved when Nila launched herself at the intruder, sinking her claws deep into his flesh. He yelled and bucked slightly as he swiped at my cat with a free hand. She hissed and launched at his face, eyes glowing green.  “Get away from me, demon!”


His fist slammed into Nila, sending her flying across the room and into the wall. “Nila! No!” I screamed, balling my fists up as they began to burn. At any moment, they would likely burst into flames. I channeled my magic and created a ball of energy that was building within me, willing it to explode. “I do not know who you are, or why you are doing this. But you will regret this day.” I whispered, feeling my energy burst and send him flying back against the door. He grunted as he made impact with the door and crumpled onto the floor, but only briefly.


All too soon, he launched back up onto his feet and reached for his belt, retrieving a sleek pistol. My eyes widened as I scrambled to my feet, conjuring balls of air in my hands, ready to deflect the bullet. All I could see in the darkness of my living room was his eyes, a glowing white that I had never seen before. I had heard stories about humans that sold their souls to demons in return for immortality, but I had never seen it for myself. I briefly wondered if the man I was looking at was a product of such a deal.


“I will purge the world of your magic.” He said through gritted teeth, releasing the safety on his gun and aiming it directly at my head and cocking it. “It’s amazing that just one tiny bullet will end the life of a witch.” He laughed and the energy in my hands morphed to fire, signaling my rage. Flames engulfed my fists and I hurled a ball of fire in his direction, ignoring the shot that rang through the air. I hissed as pain burst through my left shoulder, sending me staggering backwards.


As I clutched at my shoulder, I watched as the man’s clothes caught on fire. He screamed and jerked, patting at his own arms as he tried to put out the fire. His white eyes flashed to me and he screamed, firing his gun twice more. I waited for both bullets to lodge themselves in my body, but only one made its way into my flesh, right next to the first bullet wound. Screaming, I slumped to the ground and clutched at my shoulders, trying to pry the bullets from my skin as the man burned.


“Gabriel, I summon thee. Quickly, pet, come to me.” I chanted under my breath, momentarily grateful that the man had fallen for my trick. When witches learned someone’s name, they could summon them to do their bidding. In my case, I was lucky that he had so easily given it up. I chanted the phrase over and over again, drowning out the man’s screams. When he finally quieted, I opened my eyes.

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