Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

I woke up to an empty bed. Gavin was nowhere in sight, and where he had been only hours ago was cold. It was obvious that I had been alone for a while. I frowned at the thought and got out of the bed, walking to where his shirt was lying crumpled on the floor. After I put it on, I walked out into the living room.


There was no one in the cabin except me and Nila. I frowned and saw that there was a bag on the couch. I walked over to the couch and opened the bag, seeing that it was a change of my clothes. I quickly changed into the clothes and set Gavin’s shirt on the arm of the couch. Nila meowed at me and jumped up onto the couch to lay on his shirt.


I watched her for a moment and then sighed. Grabbing my boots, I sat down to tug them on. I needed to get out of the cabin or I was going to go insane. I should probably call Morrigan while I was thinking about it.


After I finished up inside, I walked outside into the open. The sun was shining and the wind was blowing gently, making the trees around the cabin sway. It was too beautiful of a sight for me to not appreciate. Nila ran off between the trees, and I opened my mouth to call out for her but I was cut off.


“You must be Talia.” I turned my head to see that a pretty woman was standing beside me with a basket in her hands. She must have realized that I had no clue who she was, because she smiled a little wider and thrust a hand out in my direction. “I’m Stephanie. It’s good to finally meet you.”


Recognition hit me like a train and I nodded, shaking her hand. “Of course. Listen, I am really sorry about-”


“Sweetie, don’t apologize. It’s not your fault that you got caught in the crossfire of fate.” She pulled her hand back. “Gavin and I both knew that we wouldn’t last forever. Our mates were out in the world and it was only a matter of time before we found them. He just found his first.”


Guilt shot through me and I shifted on my feet. “I really am sorry though. I didn’t know that I could even be a werewolf’s mate.”


“I don’t think anyone knows how you could be.” An expression passed over her face that I couldn’t quite pinpoint. “But I suppose we don’t necessarily need to know.”


The way she was speaking made my skin crawl, but I smiled at her anyway. “I suppose not. Excuse me, but I really have something I need to do.”


“Wait, I came by to bring you these.” She held out the basket to me. “I figured that the men around here aren’t feeding you all too well. I took it upon myself to make you some fresh bread along with some cheeses and fruit.”


“Thank you.” I said, digging my hands into my pockets. “You can leave them inside if you want. I really have to get going.”


She gave me a blank look before nodding. “Alright. I will just go ahead and take them in. I am sorry to bother you.”

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