Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


I had heard before that the town pack was one of the largest in the panhandle of Oklahoma, but I didn’t believe it until I finally saw just how many wolves surrounded Gabriel and I as he led me to his father’s cabin. I was never blind to the burning hatred in their eyes as they watched me pass, and fear coiled in the pit of my stomach. If these wolves were to attack me, would Gabriel protect me? Maybe he would just find another suicidal witch to do the ritual and let his pack eat me for breakfast.


I frowned at my own thoughts and turned my eyes to Gabriel, taking in his handsome face and godly body. I had him pressed up my body only an hour ago, and now it seemed like it had never happened. What had even happened in my bedroom? Gabriel had insisted that I bewitched him, but nothing I said could assure him that it wasn’t the case. Even I knew that magic had nothing to do with that sort of instant attraction.


“Are you alright?” My cheeks heated as his eyes snapped to me. I had been caught staring, and I was sure that he wasn’t the only one that noticed. There were smirks among the crowd, accompanied by nasty glares. I shuddered thinking about how many of the women of this pack were attracted to the man at my side. How many of them would be willing to skin me just to get lose to him?


I turned my eyes from him and shrugged slightly, heart hammering away in my chest. I took a deep breath and mumbled quiet enough that only he would hear me. “I guess, but I have a feeling that I could die very, very soon. And if I die on your watch, I swear I will come back and haunt you.” I blushed harder when Gabriel let out a loud laugh and shook his head at me.


“Nothing is going to happen to you here. Anyone that attacks you while you are on our land risks execution by my own hand. You are here to save our leader, therefore, no one here can touch you.” We came to a stop at one of the cabins and Gabriel gave me a troubled look before opening the door. “Although, I am surprised that I have not seen my brothers yet. They must be out hunting.”


I swallowed hard and followed him into the cabin, closing the door and locking it behind me. To say that I did not trust these werewolves would be an understatement. “But what if they come after me when I leave your land? You never said I would be safe then.” He frowned harder, a line forming between his perfect eyebrows.


“I didn’t think about that.” He mumbled, trailing off as his cheeks flushed slightly. Frustration built up inside of me and I had to fight to keep from lashing out at Gabriel. “I could stay with you for a few days, make sure that they don’t get any ideas.”


I laughed incredulously. “Do you really think that will keep them from coming back after you are gone? Gabriel, I will not sit by and become dog chow.” He turned him back to me, scratching the back of his head, before answering.


“Maybe I could help you settle down somewhere else. Somewhere out of our territory where my pack wouldn’t think to find you.” I didn’t answer, knowing that this was probably my only option. Suddenly, Gabriel stiffened and whirled around. “Or, you could live on the outskirt of our land. Since the pack can’t hurt you while you are on our land, you just won’t leave. But the choice is up to you.”

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