Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I yawned, my eyes fluttering open to the sound of thunder overhead. Lightning flashed moments later, startling me briefly. “Gabriel?” I turned my head to look at Gabriel, only to see that his side of the bed was empty. Frowning to myself, I threw the covers back and slid out of the bed, shivering as the cold air danced over my skin.


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a piece of paper sitting on the night stand. I reached out and picked it up, quickly reading the words scribbled across it.




    I have run to the human town to pick up some supplies for you and Nila. We do not have normal stores that you are accustomed to. You should be safe, but just in case I have locked all of the doors and windows. Stay out of sight, and if you think you see or feel anything suspicious, call me immediately.




I chuckled and put the note back down. The walls of the cabin creaked and I could hear the tree limbs scraping against the siding. I shivered and goosebumps spread across my flesh, sitting back down on the bed. The cabin seemed lonely without Gabriel lurking about.


There was a knock at the window, startling me from my thoughts. My head whipped back up and I stared across the room. A pair of silver eyes stared back at me, and my entire body seemed to relax as I recognized the face. I stood and made my way across the room, hesitantly unlocking the large window.


“Talia…” Gavin smiled at me and I saw the tension melt from his shoulders as I helped him through the window. His large body seemed to make the room smaller, and my skin prickled. “I had to see you.”


I clutched at his shoulders as his body engulfed mine and he drew me up against his chest, lifting me until my feet dangled just above the wooden floors. “You aren’t supposed to be here. Gabriel will be angry with you.”


“I don’t care. It has been four days and this is driving me insane. He wouldn’t tell me if you were okay, or if the other werewolf has come sniffing around. I just had to see you.” I reveled in the heat of his body, the warmth dulling the bite of the chilly air.


I hesitantly pressed further into his body, enjoying the hard muscle despite the gnawing guilt in the pit of my stomach. Gabriel would not be happy about this. “Gavin, your brother does not want us to see each other.” I whispered.


“I do not care. You are my mate and I have a right to see you, no matter what the heir says.” Before I could protest, Gavin leaned in and claimed my lips. Tremors racked through my body and my nails bit into the meat of his shoulders. He pulled away. “Where is he?”


I swallowed hard. “He’s in town.” Almost instantly, his hands gripped just under my ass and he hoisted me up until I had to lock my legs around his waist.

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