Chapter 7 - A SeaWing

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Maroon's scales scraped Shock's cheek as he woke to see a never-ending sea. He felt her wings move up and down under his weight. Shock noticed his wings sprawled across hers, and that she was completely focused on where she was going. "Maroon." Shock murmured, flapping his wings desperately on hers. He lifted himself off her muscular body as she hovered in midair. "We're here." She said, avoiding his weak muffle. Shock beat his wings down to the tan beach. There was still sand. Why didn't he go to the Ice Kingdom? The sand crunched under his spread talons. Shock wobbled carefully into the the water, letting the stream of salty liquid fly past his wound. Relieved, he sunk in the water, deeper, and let it soar over his scales. It felt like heaven brushing his sides. A perfectly woven blanket of liquid devouring himself. "You seem involved with the water." Maroon said, pulling her wings close to her body. She had landed safely ashore next to Shock. He snapped out of his daze and splashed the water. "Yea." He said, realizing that she never had explained to him about the reason why she wasn't with other SkyWings. He thought that each SkyWing was loyal to one another. Shock laid his wings on top of the body of water and paddled around, letting his talons push him through the sea's current. Maroon watched Shock paddle for a while before hoisting herself up and growling to something in the distance. Shock immediately bounded out of the water and stood beside Maroon, who gazed at a green blur in the distance. Oh, I forgot. Shock thought. The war between Blister, Blaze, and Burn. SeaWings against SkyWings in the war. But Maroon was no longer allied with the SkyWings. Why was she so angry? Shaking wet drops of sea water off his wings, Shock leapt after Maroon, who tossed herself down the sandy banks toward the SeaWing. As Shock neared the SeaWing, he saw that it was sprawled on a jagged rock, it's wings in odd angles. It's eyes were blank and lifeless, but the SeaWing still lived. It's wings were half torn, and it's jaw hanged open to show a few teeth torn from it's mouth. "Maroon, stop!" Shock yelped, dragging his back talons along the sand. Her talons skidded to a stop and she whipped her head around to see Shock panting and watching the SeaWing. "What?" She asked, furiously pulling her wings in and out. "It's hurt, and it needs our help." She snorted and flapped her wings. Shock veered ahead and hovered over the blank SeaWing. "Help." It whispered, trying to move it's wings. The injured dragon confusingly looked at Shock, narrowing his eyes. "What are you?" It mumbled, it's eyes running with curiosity. The poor water dragon's head bobbed, shaking vigorously. Maroon flapped her wings. Shock could tell she wasn't comfortable being over a body of water. Her wings fumbled and faltered a bit as she looked down at the sea. Her wings almost looked heavy as she picked herself back up and into the air.  Shock, stunned, watched Maroon rise the SeaWing into the air and practically drop him on the beach. He howled and squeaked, trying to contain the pain. Tears sprouted from his eyes and he wobbled to his stomach and sat in pain. "Push him into the water." Shock said, gesturing to Maroon's angry glance. She shoved the half unconscious SeaWing into the water, who immediately swam in circles, washing the water over wounds. Shock could hear the SeaWing's muffled breathing and see the cuts all across his scales. "Thank you!" The SeaWing yelped, whipping his tail at the water. His eyes were baby blue, with tiny hints of purple. Maroon snarled and almost leapt into the water to tackle the jolly soul, but veered back when she saw the water. "I'm about to bite that SeaWing." Maroon mumbled, stretching her wings and gritting her teeth. Obviously the message was to Shock, considering that Maroon leaned to his side to say it. "He's happy, Maroon, and he was hurt. Please accept that my prophecy requires a SeaWing. I mean . . ." Maroon glared at Shock. Oops, he thought. Shock hadn't told Maroon about any prophecy, let alone one about himself. She snarled deeply. "PROPHECY?" Her voice boomed, catching the attention of the frantic dragon splashing in the water. "I left a prophecy to join a new one?" Maroon growled to Shock. She whipped her tail into the sand and sprayed the tiny yellow grains in a cyclone of dirt. She marched to a tree and sliced the trunk vigorously. She sat, hunched over, and laid her head on her talons. Shock shrugged and waddled into the water next to the SeaWing. "What's your name?" Shock asked, hoping for an actual answer. The SeaWing let his wings float in the water and stared in awe. "M-my name? Oh, it's Beluga." He flicked his wings up and powered down a stream. "I'd gladly be part of your prophecy. I mean, even if it means I have to be following that SkyWing's butt." Beluga chuckled under his breath. Shock swam back to the shore, flicking drops of water off and onto Beluga's face. He snorted and whipped his tail onto the face of the water and wiggled out alongside Shock. He eyed Maroon carefully, realizing just how much he angered her. Shock dragged his tail in a circle, leaving a mark in the sand. He face the water and laid down, clawing the sand. Beluga followed behind, laying down next to Shock. "What are you?" Beluga asked, closing his wings next to his body. "I'm a LightningWing. Really, my kind lives in the clouds, and only know of stone and clouds for homes." Shock scooped the sand into his talons, refusing to look a Beluga. "So who did you know in the Lightning Kingdom? Are your parent still living? Did you have a queen?" Beluga barked, tracing a line on the beach. Shock hid a smile and responded slowly. "I knew a very good friend named Mist. She was more than important, considering . . ." Shock puffed a breath. " . . . considering she was the LightningWing's first animus." Beluga gaped in surprise. "I also knew Star, an odd color LightningWing, Thunder, a brainiac, Wind, a strong and devoted dragonet, and well, Mist. My parents, Rainbow and Air, treated me like I never existed, but Rain, my sister, was so inspiring. Oh, and I guess there is our queen, Queen Droplet." Beluga was interested by the anatomy of the LightningWings. It actually surprised Shock. Shock was happy to see one dragonet with actual interest himself. Shock glanced back at Maroon, who was sound asleep. Her chest rose and fell, like the sun on the days where life felt just perfect. Shock outstretched his wings and stood, throwing a gust of wind at Beluga. Maybe the prophecy was turning out for Shock, but now, it was time to go to the rainforest in search of the RainWing. 

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