Chapter 18 - A Chamber

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Maroon flared her wings and towered over Shock when he told her what he heard. "Maroon, you ate this little guy's father!" Maroon snarled and barked "Who cares? When I'm hungry, I eat." She whipped her tail at Shock's leg, but he jumped and whack her with his wings. Maroon snarled and flapped her wings into the air. "And get that marble going or I'm leaving. And how did you know what the little idiot said?" Shock dropped his head and watched Sightseer squeak a growl at Maroon. He bounded back up and looked to Mist. "Mist and I . . . LightningWings . . . can hear scavengers . . . I mean, interpret." Maroon flew higher, but sighed. "Tell the little guy I'm sorry, and please if we may, leave?" Shock thought for a moment before flying into the air and pulling Maroon to the ground. "First, we'll eat, and then rest in those bushes." Shock pointed to a line of brush. "Okay?" Maroon smiled, for once, and said "Deal, fine. Let's do it."

The bushes bristled on Shock's snout. The sun couldn't reach Shock's eyes because of where he slept, covered by the bushes. Once again, Shock was up first, well, at least he thought. When he looked upon all the dragonets he saw a funny pattern that they laid in. Toad lay smashed at the bottom of the pile, with Cobra on top of him, then Sightseer, Beluga, Avalanche, and at the very top, was Paradise. Maroon had her tail covered over Toad's snout, but Toad wasn't close to acknowledging it. Maroon was in a ball next to the big pile of dragonets, but she didn't even try to get in with the pile. The one dragonet missing was Mist. Shock remembered her attitude when Shock flew up to her and thought she was depressed, and if Mist ran anywhere in Pyrrhia, she'd never find her way back. Shock propped himself up quietly so the other dragonets could sleep peacefully. Shock remembered last night, because he tasted meat. It wasn't near as good as stone, but it was very appetizing. He stretched his wings out and curled in his talons before jumping into the air. Wherever Mist was, Shock had to find her. If she was lost and couldn't find her way back to the camp, well, Shock would let the Lightning Kingdom fall if he had to find Mist! Then, an idea popped into Shock's head. He took out the marble, but it wasn't there. Mist had taken it! Shock scavenged the ground for something, until he met up with the young scavenger that he met yesterday. It sat down and looked to Shock. "Are you Shock?" It asked, shaking it's clawless talon. Shock nodded slowly. "I have a message from your friend, Mist!" It squeaked, jumping. Shock lowered his head down to the ground to see the scavenger. Shock nodded the scavenger to continue. "She said that she took this enchanted marble and went to find the Chamber of Midair." "Midair" rang in Shock's head. That was a dragon in his history scrolls. Midair was the first LightningWing to go into Pyrrhia. Shock nodded again and asked the scavenger's name. The scavenger made a tiny smile and said his name was David. The name David had nothing to do with an element. Scavengers seemed just as much stupid as they seemed artistic. Shock left David on the ground and flew into the air. He had to wake everybody to set off on finding the Chamber of Midair. Yet, surprisingly, Shock knew exactly where it was. All of the history scrolls gave him just the right clues to where it might be, or more, is. Shock quickly woke all the dragonets, explained, let them moan, and got them into the air in a rush to find Mist. He could not loose her. Maroon was moaning like she was going through a stage of agony, but he could see how happy she actually was for the fact that they were flying. Avalanche gave Shock a disturbing look, but he ignored it. "So what again? A scavenger told you your crazy friend was going to this temple thing to find the lost gem of Storm? A scavenger?" Avalanche growled and lowered his head. Shock nodded and said yes. Shock was extremely worried for Mist. What if Mist couldn't find the chamber? Well, she had the marble. What if somehow a dragon or the chamber itself kills her? Well, she is animus. But, what if! Shock couldn't loose Mist to any stupid mission from the LightningWings. Shock flapped his wings vigorously and listened to the wings beats of his friends. They were his friends and they would be there to help. Suddenly the wind got harsher, the air got stronger, and the clouds became brittle plumes of white. Paradise began to scrunch in her wings and huddle behind Maroon, but now that Shock noticed, she was sitting in midair, floating. This was a huge sign that the Chamber of Midair was close. Then, Shock heard muffled squeaks, shattered moans, and tired wings. Shock tried to drop to the ground, but again, Shock was walking in midair. Then, he saw the the chamber, and Mist! Shock watched the others drop onto air while he bounded to Mist and wrapped his wings around her. "What?" She asked, flapping her wings. Shock smiled and unwrapped his wings, running his mouth really fast. "What? What! Mist I found you, and you found the Chamber of Midair!" Mist looked confusingly at Shock. "Well, duh! It's where the lost gem of Storm is! And I did leave a message for you. Oh, here." Mist handed Shock the marble. Shock smiled and dropped it in his pouch. "Thanks, Mist. You are amazing." Mist smiled but went back to clawing at the huge structure of a LightningWing, which of whom Shock thought was Midair. The statue had its wings stretched wide and to Shock, was very noticeable. No dragon or playful, adventuring dragonet had ever found the Chamber of Midair? Shock looked back to his friends, who all were staring blankly at the statue, as if it wasn't there. Then, it hit him. It wasn't there for his friends. The LightningWing, Midair, who put this chamber here hid it from all of Pyrrhia, except the LightningWings. Then that means . . . Midair was the first LightningWing animus, not Mist.

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