Chapter 8 - A RainWing . . . or Not

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Beluga and Shock talked for a while longer before flying off. Surprisingly, Maroon followed close behind. From the beach they had rested at, the rainforest wasn't that far away. Eventually, Maroon had to lead, since Beluga and Shock didn't know where they were going after a while. Shock followed Maroon's sharp rhythm, flapping his wings at the same time she did. The longer they stayed in the air, the heavier Maroon's wingbeats got. "Maroon, let's rest, it's getting close to night." The dragonets had been passing the beach for the rest of the night, until Maroon led them into a field of grassy plains, where they slept. Maroon crashed into sleep first, her large chest thumping against the grass. Soon after Maroon fell asleep, Beluga followed, snoring as loud as the wind howling, an expression used by the LightningWings. Shock sat down, but didn't try to close his eyes. His mind went over what the prophecy may be like, and what a RainWing might be like. He'd read in scrolls that a RainWing was a lazy, colorful creature. After his mind went over the thought of RainWings, he immediately thought about the war. Why was I sent during a darn war? Outraged, Shock smacked his head onto the sticky mud under his talons. This frustrated him. After all, the LightningWing palace was falling, becoming drowned in black ruins. Beluga snorted in his sleep and started kicking Maroon, who curled closer and growled. "Shock, go to sleep. If we're going to find a lazy RainWing, we ought to do it in the morning." Maroon's eyes were still closed, but she mumbled and growled to Shock. "I just . . . I'm sorry." Shock stammered, standing and flapping his wings. He shook off the muck clinging to his under wings and underbelly. Maroon pushed her head up to see Shock, pulling off pieces of mud. "For what?" She said, trying to let Beluga sleep, even though she growled continuously at him. Shock's puzzled eyes met hers, and she pulled away before laying back down. "For bringing you into more trouble, another prophecy." Shock could see, even in her sleep, that she was smiling. "At least it isn't about a war." Maroon puffed, letting out a soothing breath. Shock laid back down and smiled, thanking himself for telling Maroon. He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep, feeling bursts of lightning gurgle in his throat. Even though he came in a war and met a crazy SkyWing, he was happy. 

Morning shined through his closed eyelids, and Shock yawned himself awake. Beluga was desperately hanging over Shock snout, sniffing every inch of his face. "Wake up." Beluga yelped, spreading his wings so he covered the sun from Shock's face. Shock pushed Beluga off himself and realized the goopy mud had hardened on his scales. Well, a MudWing would love this, he thought. Shock glanced over at Maroon, who soundly still slept in the blinding sunlight. Must be a SkyWing thing. Being a snot too. Shock realized new thoughts training in his mind. It was odd, because he just started getting to know these dragonets, but the negative thoughts drained his head. Beluga slapped Shock cheek, sending a curl of anger. "WAKE UP." He said again. Shock tackled Beluga and pushed him to his back, shooting a bolt of lightning at his front talons. "When did you learn to do that?" Beluga shouted, scaring Maroon awake. "When I claw your face off!" Maroon mumbled and propped herself up, moaning and roaring. Beluga jumped back and hid behind Shock. He shook off the mud on his talons and yawned. Maroon and Beluga both lifted their wings to fly, and Shock followed. "I hope finding a RainWing was actually worth it." Maroon mumbled, beating her wings viciously. "I'm sure it will." Shock said, flapping his wings softly. Even if a RainWing never did agree to come, seeing one would definitely please him. Beluga flew behind Shock, who flew behind Maroon. From where they were now, it was at least a half a day's flight. For almost half the day, they did fly, until they were face to face with a never-ending jungle. "I'm not going in there." Beluga whimpered, letting his wings cover half of him until he hit the ground. Shock and Maroon both hovered in the air over Beluga, flapping their wings strongly. Maroon dropped her foot to where her talon scraped Beluga's back, and Shock veered into the forest, just enough to where they still could see him. "RainWings?" He shouted, the noise echoing off into the rainforest. Nothing came, and nothing went. Behind him, Beluga started screeching. "Maroon!" He yelped, watching Maroon float, unconscious, in the air. Beluga slid his wings on top of his head and shivered. Shock flapped his wings harder, knowing this was a sign of RainWings. Suddenly, in pure sight, Maroon's body disappeared, scaring Shock to the bone. He dropped next to Beluga, who whimpered and shivered. "Beluga, toughen up." Shock gritted his teeth to talk to Beluga. The day was only half over, but the rainforest air felt foggy and damp, with a gray sky circling their heads. Suddenly, a tube of wood with an orangish patch of fur on the back whirled past Shock, stabbing Beluga in the wing. Beluga went limp, and Shock covered his wings over him. What is HAPPENING?  Shock bellowed in his mind. He peeked at the tube stabbing Beluga's wing and saw a silver needle poking his scales. Shock growled. "Show yourself!" Shock bellowed, angrily flashing his wings. "If I were here to kill you, I wouldn't be so kind." He gritted his teeth and powered toward the rainforest. He looked behind himself, and Beluga had vanished. "Beluga!" He yelled, charging back to where Beluga had laid. No trace of him, or and footprints to who the capturer may be. Suddenly, he heard chattering, little squeaky voices off in the distance. Shock spun into a fighting position and pulled in his wings. He saw a ripple of pink and gold before feeling hazy and light, out of his head. In seconds, Shock had fell unconscious. 

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