Chapter 13 - A NightWing

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The dragonets, with Cobra, slept pleasantly that night, then immediately took off by morning. Cobra wasn't up for it, but they had to get to the Ice Kingdom to get their IceWing. To get to the Ice Kingdom they had to pass through the desert, which did make Cobra a bit happier on the trip to the Ice Kingdom, but to Paradise, Shock and Beluga, the trip through the Kingdom of Sand was completely miserable, especially passing over Burn's stronghold. Cobra didn't like passing Burn's stronghold either, considering she repented from her army. "Goodness, that place gives me the creeps." Beluga tried to howl over the wind. He pointed his talon at the big sandstone building that Shock thought was Burn's stronghold. "I've been there once." Cobra snarled, growling at the building as if it was living. "It was horrid, with all of Burn's treasures." Shock wondered what it looked like inside the building, but he couldn't keep that thought for long before almost collapsing to keep flight in the heat. Maroon quickly swooped under him and picked him out of the air, Shock sprawled spontaneously on her back ridges. "Ahh." Shock bellowed, cuddling on her scales. Beluga laughed, but lost his flight pattern and spiraled toward the ground. Toad dove quickly after him, picking Beluga up like Maroon had Shock. Cobra smiled, looking back at the four dragonets on top of each other while she silently rode on the back of Paradise. Eventually, they had reached the edge of the Ice Kingdom, and by then, Shock and Beluga were flying on their own. "Here we are." Maroon boasted, flapping her overly large wings. Shock looked around. They would have to go into the cold and ice and freezing snow to find what they were looking for, and deep into it. Maybe Shock should only go, ever since he figured out that his scales could resist any type of temperature. Shock flew ahead and pivoted around to where he faced a group of dragonets. "I'm going in, but you are all going to stay here." Shock pointed to the ground and snarled deeply. "You can't go out there, you know." He said. Maroon snarled, but started spiraling down to where Shock pointed. No argument? Shock thought. Beluga shrugged and followed Maroon, but Paradise had a worried look on her face. Toad didn't hesitate either, even though the tiny RainWing still stared deeply at him. She quickly dropped off Cobra and pivoted back to face Shock."I'm coming." Paradise said, baring her teeth as if he was about to say no. Well, he was. "No, Paradise, you can't withstand the cold." Paradise cocked her head and growled deeper. "And you can?" She asked, pummeling his face with her tail. "Well, yes. Do or don't believe me, I don't care. But do not follow me into the Ice Kingdom. It isn't safe for you." Paradise smiled, and it reminded him of Mist. "Let alone, you!" She barked, laughing for some odd reason. Shock looked at the dragonets below him who were setting themselves up for night. They knew he wasn't coming back until night, it made sense. Why couldn't this ignorant RainWing do her lazy thing? "Fine." Shock said, trying to avoid her glare. "But when you get cold, you are going back to the others." Paradise nodded and shifted her scales to the pattern of an IceWing. It looked like another dragon evolved into an IceWing. Shock turned around quickly, refusing to talk to Paradise, and flew as fast as he could. Cold devoured his scales, and they turned colors, a darker blue around his wings, and a blackish purple on the rest of his scales. He could just imagine Paradise wondering what happened to his scales. He thought he heard her voice, but . . . he had no want to answer. After a long time span of flying, a black figurine streaked the sky. Shock quickly stopped in his tracks and landed on the ground, laying his head low. Paradise briskly followed, shifting her scales to the color of the snow that stung his talons. Paradise completely disappeared. Shock kept his eyes on the black figure, which seemed to be getting closer, but looked as though it didn't notice Shock, let alone, the vanished body of Paradise's. By now, where the figure had gotten closer, Shock noticed it was a black dragon, the exact one he was looking for, a NightWing. By the way it swung it's tail, the NightWing was an obvious female. "Shock." Paradise whisper, making herself half visible and spooking Shock. "What?" He growled, keeping his eyes on the approaching NightWing. Shock eventually looked back to see the half visible RainWing pointing at the NightWing. "The prophecy, NightWing? And . . ." She hesitantly repositioned herself. "And it sure looks like it is coming our way." Shock did notice that, a while ago actually. He had to do something. Immediately, without thought, Shock jumped into the air and flew directly at the NightWing. When he finally met, face to face, with the NightWing, Shock dove on top of her. Before he hit the ground with the NightWing, the NightWing began screaming. "Please don't hurt me! Oh please don't!" Shock took his talons off the yelling NightWing and caught her talons. The NightWing caught herself in the wind and wrapped her wings as close as possible while she hovered. "Why, won't you attack?" The NightWing close her talons in close to her body. "No! I have an urgent message for Queen Glacier! If you don't kill me and I don't get that message to her, I'm good as dead! And if you do kill me, well, I'm dead!" The NightWing backed away from Shock before Paradise joined Shock's side. She quickly bared her teeth before trying to murmur a few words. "Is it good?" She asked. The NightWing curled in her talons. "Well course I am! What are you, you aren't any IceWing!" Paradise shimmered her scales into a black and yellow pattern, filling her from head to tail. "Woah!" The NightWing said. Shock then knew what to do. This NightWing was going to see Queen Glacier, and to be true, Shock had no idea where that was. Shock would have to send Paradise back, but as long as he stayed on the NightWing's tail, he'd be there by midnight. "Whoever you are," Shock said. "and whatever you may be delivering, I am coming with you, and Paradise is going back." Paradise scowled, but accepted and started flying back. The NightWing shifted her talons and looked at the snow. "Fine, and my name is Sightseer."

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