Chapter 15 - An IceWing

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"Execution!" Shock bellowed, running toward the palace door. Shock claws echoed on the ice flooring. A guard seized his neck before Shock could get out of the door. "Yes, majesty." The IceWing said, dragging Shock by his wing. He pushed open the large ice doors and pulled Shock down a hallway. Shock could see the queen's devilish smirk as Shock struggled to get out of the IceWing's claws. Execution? Shock thought, flapping his wings to get the IceWing guard off him. Shock thought he saw Sightseer slither through the hallways. Was she there to save him? The guard tugged and pulled on him until they ran into another younger guard. "Queen Glacier has requested me to take the rebel to the dungeon." He said, stronger and fiercer than Shock had thought it would sound. The older guard lifted his head and snarled. Were all IceWings this stiff about things? "Fine." He said, shoving Shock into the younger dragon's talons, struggling to get free. The dragonet held firmly on Shock until they walked into an abandoned hallway of the palace. The dragonet shoved Shock into the wall and spread his wings so Shock couldn't leave. Shock growled viciously. "Look kid, I'm helping you. I just need some say in this . . ." The IceWing cocked his head and peered behind him. "Agreement." He said. Shock backed away from him and into the chilly wall, which gave him a cold streak of anger. "A way to get out of this place before you are found out." Shock said, pointing to a guard looking suspiciously back at the IceWing. He whipped around and covered Shock's face. The guard wasn't just any guard, it was Paradise. She changed her scales into a grayish black color and shoved Sightseer before her. "A RainWing and that one NightWing?" The IceWing bellowed, flapping his wings. Shock ran before the IceWing and spread his wings, his wingtips scraping the ice. "That is Sightseer and Paradise. They are here to help me." The IceWing scowled, but scraped his talon on the ice under him. "I guess that's okay." He said as Paradise wrapped her tiny wings around Shock and laughed. Sightseer walked into the abandoned hallway and sat low on her haunches, watching for guards. When Paradise got off of Shock, he smiled and looked at the IceWing. "I'm Shock, and I was just wondering, if you are so willing to help me, what is the best way out, and will you come with us?" Paradise quietly laughed and fluttered her wings. Now, a white and purple streaked her scales. "I'm Avalanche." The IceWing squeaked, watching Sightseer snarl at the doorway. Paradise stared continuously at the hallway, soon shouting when an actual IceWing guard trudged through the door. Avalanche burst a plume of his icey breath at the guard and snarled deeply. The guard was frozen stiff in a mountain of ice. "You guys better have something worth my while to do this to my tribe." Avalanche bellowed, charging down the hallway with the other dragonets following. Shock smiled and tried to speak to Avalanche. "Oh, it will be, Avalanche!" Shock said, sliding down a corner. For a short while, Shock, Avalanche, Paradise, and Sightseer swerved down hallways of ice, sliding and clamping their talons. Behind them, Paradise stopped. "Shock." She whispered, cuddling her wings close to her body. "I'm c-c-cold." Shock looked around and quickly walked back to her. "Put on your IceWing disguise and leave us, no dying on me, okay?" Paradise nodded, and shivered herself into an IceWing. "What about you?" She asked, laying a talon on his shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll make it out alive." Shock bounded behind Avalanche and Sightseer and nodded carefully, signaling Paradise to go. She tried to run down the slippery hallways, but ended up walking around the corner. "Bye, Shock." She whispered to him. Shock ran behind Avalanche and soon neared the doorway, where Sightseer knocked out the IceWing guard. Suddenly, a shimmering, beautiful dragon draped in jewels pummeled Sightseer aside, Queen Glacier. "I ordered you to be executed, in front of me." She boomed, sliding a talon down Shock's cheek. Shock bit her claw and it bled, whipping her with his tail. Queen Glacier howled in surprise and the three dragonets bolted out of the door. Glacier grabbed Shock's tail, but angered, Shock blasted a bolt of lightning at her talon, making her shriek. "Get those dragonets!" She howled, aiming a talon at the group of young dragons taking off into the sunrise. Armies of IceWing prowled toward them, but they flew faster, eventually dropping behind a huge mountain of snow. Shock shivered and curled in his wings. "She's cold." He said quietly, flapping his wings silently. His scales had white splotches on them, like Mist's use to have. Avalanche nodded. "Rumor says that she once fought the NightWing queen, and practically killed her. From then on, her breath has been the coldest of the kingdom." Shock glanced at the palace they had put some distance from. It was so far away, and that relieved Shock. Not being close to that torture chamber was the one thing Shock wanted. "Come on, Sightseer, Avalanche, I need to show you to our camp." Avalanche nodded, but Sightseer hunched back. "Our?" She asked. Shock then realized that she never noticed why she was actually following him. "You'll see." A voice from behind sounded. Paradise evolved out of the snow, half frozen. "Paradise!" Shock yelped, cuddling her close to him, wrapping his wings around her. She was ice cold. "We have to go, now." Shock bellowed, picking up Paradise and binding her on his back with the vines. For half of the day, Shock flew and cuddled Paradise on his back, with the other two dragonets trailing behind. They had finally arrived at the camp when Paradise was half frozen cold. They landed and carefully dropped Paradise in the mud. "Toad, Maroon, Sightseer!" All of the dragons open their mouths and heated Paradise until she opened her eyes a tad bit. "Shock?" She asked. She pointed up, for some odd reason. Then, pummeling from the sky, came another LightningWing, with patches of white dotting her scales.

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