Chapter 8 : Of Unrequited Crushes and Deadly Encounters

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Arthit had quite enjoyed the week off, getting back to work was a drudgery, but necessary. He hadn't made the cut for assistant manager and had tried to bite down his disappointment. He was in a strange mood since the morning, he felt suspicious of everyone and everything around him ever since his conversation with Kongpob.

A tap on his shoulder made him jump. His hands went around the edge of the table, steadying himself. He was faced with the bespectacled P'Gun.

"Hello, Khun Arthit. How are you now?"

"Oh, P'Gun. I'm okay, how about you? Got a clean bill of health?"

P'Gun smiled sheepishly, they both remembered how he had fainted, trapped in the elevator. 

"Y-yes. I actually came to thank you -"

"There's really no need, if anything you should be thanking  Kongpob -"

P'Gun swallowed nervously, straightening his glasses before remarking casually. 

"Ah yes, the detective - I've thanked him. I was hoping to treat you to a dinner or even a coffee as repayment -"

"Thank you, P'Gun but you really don't need -"

"Please I insist, Khun -"

Arthit could see this conversation going on endlessly. 

"Okay, okay. Here, I'll give you my number -"

P'Gun smiled triumphantly before excusing himself, leaving Arthit confused. 


Arthit felt ashamed of what he was doing. He was spying on Kongpob in the break room, surrounded by fawning ladies. They commended him on his bravery, Arthit could feel the vein on his forehead popping, as he restrained the urge to wipe off the self satisfied smile on Kongpob's face. 



Arthit grabbed Knott and forced him to kneel beside him, behind the copier. Knott's large frame wasn't hidden very well and he grumbled in discomfort. 

"Ai'Arthit, you're losing it -"

"Shut up, and not a word of this to Tuta or Prem, and definitely not Bright. Do you understand?"

"What are you doing exactly?"

Arthit was too busy glaring a hole at the back of Kongpob's head to respond. He whispered harshly after a while. 

"Look at this shameless bastard -"

Knott stood up, stretching his legs, not quite used to the position, especially after the hazing days. 

"I've got work to do, Ai'Arthit, and so do you for the matter -"

Arthit stood up as well, face red and mouth open to berate Knott. 

"P'Arthit? Fancy seeing you here - er - behind a copier?"

Arthit wished the ground would swallow him whole, the embarrassment rendering him speechless. Knott took pity on him. 

"Ai'Arthit's lost his pen, it rolled away under the copier."

Kongpob looked confused, he took out a pen from his pocket and put it in Arthit's shirt pocket. 

"There you go, P'"

As Kongpob walked away, Arthit watched in a daze. 

"There's no way, I'm not telling Ai'Prem at least."

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