chapter 20

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Tate and Sean stared at each other as they talked about the information they'd found out.

"This isn't going to please jalal," Tate said.

"Do I look like i give a fuck about jalal right now?

This is a serious threat, Tate. Do you have any idea the number of women and children who go missing because of this asshole?"

"If this is the same girl they're hunting then you know we're the ones who've brought them here? Our fucking meddling could have raised the alert.

Why selena? Why risk this?" Tate threw down the
piece of paper with all of Selena's past history. The crap they couldn't find through legal means.

"We need to meet her. I know jalal is smitten with her. I've got to know for certain before we fly out there. Speak to her. See if there is anything we're missing," Sean said.

Kevin had been silent as the two men talked. Stephen looked over the pieces of paperwork. The four men helped to fund the safety and protection of women. Sean was a known bounty hunter who the high risk jobs that not many men would come back from. He was a highly dangerous living, breathing weapon.

"What do you know about Dominic Green?" Stephen asked.

"Only that he's a high list target. There is a hefty sum on his head for whomever brought him in alive."

"And this woman could have led him to us?" Stephen rubbed his eyes. Tate glared down at the information. He dealt in security, but hearing the crap that selena had been put through he was ready to do some damage.

"No. We led him to us," Sean said. "Arrange a chance for us all to meet. I want to see the girl with this price tag on."

"What's in it for you?" Tate asked. Ever since the name Dominic Green had been mentioned, Sean had been acting crazy.

"Let's just say, he and I have got an old score to settle." None of the men questioned Sean. No need to. The vicious look on his face was more than enough of an explanation. Tate ran his fingers through his hair.
"This is going to get messy."

"I'll deal with it. I can call in an old team I use to know," Sean said.

"What exactly do you need me to do?" Stephen asked.

"Get jalal and the girl here, or just give us a chance to meet. I need to talk to her, I've got some information, and it could help us see if this girl is the same one Dominic Green is after," Sean said.

"What do we tell jalal?" Tate spoke this time.

"Nothing. This needs to be for our ears only. I can't risk exposing our knowledge to some of Green's people. Jalal will run, and he'll take her with him. We need her here to lure Dominic Green out if that is what it comes to."

"You're asking me to risk the life of one of my club members' women?" Stephen asked.

"For the safety of everyone involved, yes. This isn't just about Selena Moore. This is about all the other women who have been taken to pay a debt or kidnapped. We're talking about a major fucking issue within our society" Sean argued.

They all knew there was an underlying issue with Sean. But no one wanted to air it in case it came back and bit them in the ass.

All stared at one another in silence.

Finally, Stephen spoke up. "Okay. I'll get her here. But you've got to be on your best behaviour."

The men made arrangements, and Stephen wondered how deep the shit was that selena Moore had pulled down on them.

had been a wake-up call. Selena was such a passionate woman. After he got past her fears at the beginning, she'd been an open book to him. Staring at the top of her head, he wondered what had happened to that sweet, shy woman he used to know.

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