Chapter Seven

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After Makai left out of the room I sat down and took a deep breath. The feeling of her hands on my leg and face made me have flashbacks.

I stood up and straightened my dress and got the papers off the table. The other partners had left their notes on the table when Makai fired them.

My curious ass decided to read them and came across information I thought Makai would want. I gathered everything and dropped a pen on the floor. When I bent over and got the pen I didn't notice one of the people that left came back.

"Oh gosh." I said smacking my head.

He chuckled and helped me up.

"Thanks. "I said

He nodded his and looked me in the eyes.

I backed into the table and he grabbed my arms and whispered in my ear that I was so beautiful. I tried to push him off but he pushed me farther back on the table.

He was straddling my leg to pin me down and I kneed him and when he got up to come back I took my heel off and stabbed him in the neck with it.

When he dropped to the floor grabbing his neck I felt my heart rate quicken. I just killed this man. I fucking stabbed him in the neck.

I took off my other shoe and gathered the papers and ran to the elevator. The bell scared the shit out of me and I jumped the whole elevator ride. When I got to her office I threw the papers on the desk and started crying.

She quickly hung up the phone and came to me.

"What happened babygirl?" She asked holding my shaking body.

I couldn't get any words out and I went to grab her shirt but she stopped me.

"Let's clean you off ma." She said carrying me to her bathroom.

She set me on the counter and grabbed some towels. She wet them and cleaned my arms,hands and legs.

I didn't realize I had blood on me. After I was clean she set the towels in the sink and pulled me into her and wrapped my legs around her and put my head on her chest.

After five minutes of her standing there holding me she asked if I was ok. I still couldn't say anything so she picked me up and sat on the floor with me on her lap.She took my hair out of a bun and ran her hands through it and started rubbing my head.

After I calmed down i sat up and got off her lap and sat beside her with my head down. She moved to face me and lifted my head up and asked what happened.

"One of the people....... they came back and ...... he tried to ..... I killed him Kai. " I said not looking her in the eyes crying.

"Lela .... baby listen I need you to calm down and tell me what happened." She said holding my head back up wiping my tears.

I took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Ok so when you left and I was getting the stuff I had dropped a pen under the table and I was getting it and then one of the niggas came in and I didn't know and I had got scared so I hit my head and he helped me up and then he pinned me on the table and he grabbed me and I kicked him and stabbed him..... KAI I FUCKING KILLED HIM." I said

She shook her head and looked down.

"I'll take care of it." She said and got up and walked out.

She seemed angry but she seemed mad about what happened and not what I did. I cleaned myself up and walked out. She was sitting at her desk on the computer.

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