Chapter Twelve

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I woke up on top of Lela and smiled at the thought of me fulfilling my fantasy. The urges to have sex with her was as painful and deep as getting a shot in my ass.

To feel her soft skin again made me tingle inside. I started rubbing my thumb in a circle on her sternum.

She grabbed my hand in her sleep and moved it to her hip. She shifted the way she was laying putting her arm around me. I smiled into her and nuzzled her stomach before falling back asleep.

I never felt her move but when I woke up she wasn't in the room and Connie wasn't in hers either.

I panicked and ran down the stairs only to find them cooking and laughing. They both looked at me startled.

I grabbed my chest and threw my head back in relief.

"I thought something happened to you guys." I said

"Yea the attack of the chocolate chip muffins. " Lela said smearing batter on Connie's face.

Connie smiled and wiped her face.

"Kai come lookit she made this white gooey stuff." Connie said pulling me by my shorts.

"Con those are grits." I said to her.

"Yea but lookit how she made them. They look good." She said to me.

Lela smiled and nodded her head taking her props.

"I'm going to brush my teeth." I said going back up stairs.

While I was brushing my teeth Armon came in and closed the door behind him.

"Ima tell you this once. I don't know who you are or what you got her into but make sure she is ok. That is my little sister and I dare you to let anything to happen. I'll kill you and everybody you love and if you don't love anybody I'll kill your enemies. Understand?" He said

"I haven't let anything happen and I'm not going to start. And I do love somebody. Her and Connie." I said

"You so much as give her a papercut you'll regret breathing. "He said and left.

I rolled my eyes and checked my teeth.

I changed clothes and sat down with them all to eat breakfast.

Lela kept staring at Armon as he held his head down staring at his plate.

"You said something didn't you?" She asked him

"Of course... I said goodmorning." He said

"Armon I think you said more than goodmorning." She said

He rolled his eyes and kept eating.

"Why doesn't anybody listen to me bro. I specifically said don't say a damn thing to her and you fucking..... whatever Armon. " She said

"Lela I'm just trying to protect you." He said

"I don't need protecting Armon. I think you'd realize that after I saved everybody else's ass." She said

"Well you didn't save everybody." He rebutted

She dropped her fork shocked as her eyes filled with tears and left the table.

I looked at him confused and ran after her.

She was sitting in the room in the dark downing a bottle of liquor.

"Lela what's wrong?" I asked

"Makai just leave me alone please. " She said

"No tell me what happened." I said

She looked at me with her tear streaked face and knocked the bottle back taking a deep breath.

"My freshman year of college my parents were killed execution style. Armon and my uncle told me they would take care of it but right before they got the muhfuckers that did it they disappeared. Just vanished off the face of the earth. And I could've found them but they told me to focus in school and that afterwards we could deal with it. I had always saved people back in the day. Taking those fatal blows and getting shot at or sniping somebody before they could get stabbed and the two important people in my life were people I couldn't save. So that's why I'm protective of Sunny. We don't know who did it or why but I'll find them and I'll kill them. " She said kinda slurred at the end.

"You remember the names? " I asked

"Right now no. No the fuck I don't. I don't wanna think that's the point of drinking. " She said reaching for another bottle.

"I'll do everything in my power to help you get revenge Lela. But right now I need you to not drink. " I said taking the bottle away from her.

She smacked her lips and I picked her up and laid her down in the bed.

After I knew she was good I went back downstairs and sat at the table.

"Armon bro can I talk to you for a second." I said

We stepped out on the porch and he lit a blunt.

"Lela told me about her parents. Is there anyway I can take a look at what y'all had to see what I can do?" I asked

"What you think we the cops and keep files and evidence cases bro?" He said laughing.

"I don't know." I said

"I'm fucking with you dawg I got everything in the garage you can have it. Help her or whatever. I kinda forgot to be honest. We never talked about it because we didn't wanna upset her and I just fucked up." He said walking me to the garage.

He pulled a box down and pushed it into my chest.

"I suggest you be cautious about what you say and how you say it around her. To say she's a hot head is an understatement. " He said

"I've seen her mad and she didn't do anything. Hell she even broke up a fight. " I said

"Certain shit triggers her. All I'm saying is be careful. " He said

I went to Connie's room and sat on the floor taking everything out ofthe box.

He had pictures of bullets and their bodies lying on the ground in a puddle of blood. They had a detailed description of how they were tortured before they were killed.

Reading it brought back memories of the days of when I used to be heavy into that shit. Some of the same methods. I kept going through the papers and found some pictures and realized it was of some people that I had killed before.

I smirked and just then Armon came in the room.

"I thought I'd come help you." He said

"Thanks bro." I said

"Those were her parents." He said taking the pictures out of my hands smiling.

I dropped the box on the floor out of shock and rushed to pick it up.

"Armon .... do you... do you uh remember the names of the people...that uh vanished?" I asked

"Like the back of my hand. Renny Smith and Darrell Foxwroth." He said

I instantly felt sick and started sweating.

What the fuck am I gonna do.

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