Chapter Fourteen

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After she said she killed my parents I knew I had to put aside how I felt about her. For my parents, for my siblings and most importantly for myself.

Growing up as the favorite child my parents were my best friends besides Armon and Sunny.

I was fighting trying to convince myself that I should just forgive her but I couldn't.

I closed my eyes and hugged her. But I only hugged her so I could have leverage. I slammed the back of her head on the bench and she fell unconscious.

I told Connie to go run back and get Armon.

When he showed up he looked confused and tried to put her back on the bench.


"You can stop looking for Renny and Darrell. That's her cousin." I said

He dropped her on the concrete and it gashed her head on impact.

"Be careful I don't want to kill her." I said

"She killed our parents." He said

"She saved my ass. Twice. " I said

Three times I said in my head thinking about that night in the club.

"So what you just wanna beat they ass and then go on about life." He asked

"Well I have some things in mind." I said looking at Connie.

Armon carried Makai back to the house and I walked with Connie.

"Is Kai ok?" She asked

"Yea she fell." I said

We got her bags packed up and loaded up the car to go to Sunny.

Armon called me and told me he was going to clean Makai up to start fresh. I said ok and that I was bringing a surprise back.

When we got to my apartment Sunny asked what happened.

"So What's this fucked up payback you spoke of." She said

"I'll let you know when we get to that. But do you still have Darrell's number?" I asked

"Yea why?" She asked

"You know where he'd be right now? "I asked

"At work. What the hell did he do?" She asked

"Help her." I said packing a bag.

She gave me the address and stopped me before I walked out.

"Rah. Don't kill them but make them wish somebody would." She said

"I'll be back in two weeks." I said and kissed her cheek and hugged Connie.

Before I walked out I turned to her and said "Follow through."

She nodded her head and I closed the door.

When I got back to the car I gripped the steering wheel and started mumbling to myself.

"Don't kill him." I said

He walked out the back door and was laughing with somebody. When he got to his car I snuck up behind him with a chloroform soaked cloth and covered his face and drug him back to my car.

I put him in the trunk, tied his hands and drove back to Macon.

He woke up while we were on the highway and started banging on the trunk. I swerved hella hard and made him hit his head I guess. He didn't make anymore noise after that .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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