Chapter Ten

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When I got to the coffee shop I saw Lela and Connie sitting at a table. Lela looked shook as fuck. When she saw me she looked at me like she was scared and angry.

I nodded for her to come with me to a little walled off part a little way away from Connie.

"Kai what the fuck happened?" She said

When I started to talk she interrupted me and started getting angry.

"Nigga they had fucking guns..... What type shit have you gotten into Makai? I mean why in the hell do you have fucking thugs in a place of business? Do you know what could've happened if a client saw that shit? Connie is a kid. She doesn't need to be around this shit......." She said but I was zoning out.

She talked with her hands and that made me flinch because I felt like she was going to hit me. After a while I grabbed her and it startled her enough to where she stopped talking.

She licked her lips and looked away from me in only a way she could. The way she did it was like she was disappointed in me but she was still here.

"Listen Lela. Connie's mother is a drug addict. She decided to go to rehab before it got out of control and asked me to watch her. But she never asked Connie's dad and  he's caught up in god knows what. He wanted Connie back. The reason she left Connie with me is because I used to do bad shit. My uncle has some part in it but my dad left me in power.I started this company to try and live a normal life. All those people that were in that meeting they just wanted some legit money on paper. I have Connie because I can protect her. But I can't take care of her. I don't know how. The people with guns they came to get her. I don't know what I'm going to do. But I know I can't do this without you." I said

"Where can we go right now until I can make some moves? " She asked

I looked at her confused and told her we could go to my apartment.

Someone tried to break in but couldn't.  When we got upstairs Connie went to go play and Lela was on her phone the whole time.

When she got off I snatched her phone before she could call someone else.

"Kai don't question me right now. Just give me my shit please." She said frustrated.

"No Lela what the hell are you doing? " I asked

"I know people. Please give me my phone back." She said

Just then my doorbell rang and she ran to the door and came back with a bag. She brought it to the counter and took out four guns and cocked them and checked them. In the bottom of the bag was money.


"I said don't question me." She said looking at me out the corner of her eye.

She went and put on some of my pants and a t-shirt. She wore the same shoe size as Sheila so she took a pair of boots she had and put them on.

"Lela please talk to me." I said

"You aren't the only one with a past Makai. We need to leave." She said and grabbed the bag.

She got Connie and went to the car and threw the bag in the trunk. When she went to open the driver door I slammed it shut and pinned her on the car. She looked at me and crossed her arms.

"Where are we going? " I asked

"Macon." She said

"Why?" I asked

"I know some people in Macon and they're  gonna keep us there for a few days until we figure something out. Shit like this doesn't end unless you stop it." She said

"Lela you don't know anything about "this". Yes amazing you know how to hold a gun but that doesn't mean you know what you doing. I mean you cried when you killed a man by accident. " I said

"Kai. I lied to you. That wasn't the first man I've killed. The family friend who owned the restaurant slung drugs. I helped them "handle business". I have alot of connections in this business. I got out when I went to college. I can't test for the bar yet because something has to be removed from my record. " She said

I looked at her shocked.

"What about Sunny?" I asked

"You ain't find it wierd we know how to fight? Look. Kai now isn't the time. We need to make sure Connie is safe. What I can do is temporary but we need a solid plan." She said

"No. No you're hiding something Lela. Tell me." I said

"Somebody that cares about you told me to watch you. The whole night at the bar was a total coincidence. I had six offers to be signed to a record label but they asked me to take care of you. So I'm here." She said

"Wait what? But how did they know I'd pick you? " She asked

"You're a lesbian and I had plenty credentials. Why wouldn't you have picked me." She said laughing.

"Stop talking like you know me." I  said

"I don't know you Kai. I never knew you. Somebody knew you and asked me to help. That's it. " She said

"Who?" I asked

"I've been sworn to confidentiality. We need to go now Kai." She said

I opened the door for her and got in the passenger seat.

"This conversation is not over." I said and folded my arms.


"Slow down before you wreck." I said

She rolled her eyes and eased off the gas.

After a quiet two hour drive we pulled up to a house with dogs in the front. It looked hella sketchy but I didn't have a choice right now.

When we got out the car I had to carry Connie because she fell asleep. We walked inside and Lela hugged this man. He hugged her like they haven't seen each other in a million years.

"Glad you guys made it ok. Hi I'm Armon." He said

"Thank you Monnie I owe you." She said dapping him up.

She nodded for me to follow her upstairs. We got to two connected rooms.

"Either Connie and I share, you and her share or we share. " She said

"You deserve your own room." I said

"Lay her down and come downstairs so we can plan." She said

I laid her down and kissed her forehead.

"Mommy are we gonna be ok?" Connie asked me half sleep.

"Yes babygirl we gonna be fine. Go to sleep." I said rubbing her forehead.

I got up and headed downstairs to try to figure out what we gonna do.

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