Chapter 1

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Ella’s Pov:


“Ella time to get up, your mother and father want to talk with you” my maid, Mary said as I opened my eyes, shielding them from the bright sun that shined through the curtains.

 Let me tell you something about myself, well I’m the princess of England my mother and father, Queen Eleanor and King Edwards, are the rulers of England. Once recovering from the sun, I got out of bed and did my usual routine. I changed into a light blue, plain, mid-thigh length dress. It wasn’t something my mother wouldn’t approve as a princess to wear but I didn’t care, it was my style and I liked it. Brushing my teeth, and then styling my hair into a braided bun, I started doing my makeup. I never really liked putting too much makeup on like most girls do but I just keep it simple. Brushing the mascara brush over my eye lashes, and then putting a bit of foundation on to cover up my few freckles I was finally done. Walking out of the bathroom to the door I turned the handle, walking down the hallways. Mary was waiting outside the lounge were I am guessing my parents are. I walked over to her.

“Your parents are inside. It is very important so hurry up your majesty’ Mary rushed lightly pushing the door open for me.

 As I walked in I was shocked to what I see. My parents as well as the Young family are sitting down talking. I never liked the young family, their son, Christopher is a creep. Christopher is about one year older than me which would mean he would be turning 19 this year as I am 17 turning 18 in a months’ time. He has dark brown hair with brown eyes. He is in all honesty an absolute creep. He would always try to hit on me. He just-

“Ella you finally made it” my mother said, interrupting me from my thoughts.

 Everyone’s eyes where all on me. Glancing to see everyone, my eyes first landed on Christopher who had that stupid smirk on his face, winking at me as he saw that he got my attention. Boy he just needs to stop.

 “Hello Mr and Mrs Young” I said with my best fake smile.

“Hello Princess” Mr and Mrs Young said as they stood up bowing before me.

“So as you know the rule, when you turn eighteen you must get married to the boy who will be chosen by your father and I. Well we have come to the decision that we have found the right man for you” mother spoke.

 I was absolutely dumbfounded. I probably look like an idiot with my mouth wide open. I knew I had to get married but not so soon I hate the rules the kingdom makes. I don’t want to marry some random creep what’s next I’m going to have to marry Christopher.

“Seeming as you aren’t speaking, the man you will be walking the isle down for is Christopher” your father finally decided to speak up with a massive smile on his face.

I have never been so shocked ever in my life. I jinxed it. This can’t be happening this is all a dream it has to be. Wake up!! No it’s not a dream it’s torture. Christopher is the last person on earth I would want to ever marry and spent the rest of my life with. Why does bad stuff always happen to me. I’m upset but the more I think about it the more angrier I get. I can’t believe they think they can rule my life I am a human being with feelings and a life.

“Can I talk to you about this” I said trying my hardest not to be pissed, even though I have every right to be.

“There is nothing to be talked about. It is settled you will be marrying Christopher” The Queen spoke giving me that look to ‘be nice’.

As the Young family got up and left saying their goodbyes my parents and I stayed in the lounge to ‘discuss’ things.

“I am not going to get married to him” I exclaimed finally breaking the silence.

“You will and that is final” mother exclaimed.

“You can’t just boss me around thinking that I will do whatever you want me to do. I am a human I am not an animal in a cage” I almost shouted absolutely sick of all this.

“You are getting married. There is nothing more to be said. You are grounded for raising your voice at me and disobeying me, until I think you have finally got the message that you will be getting married. Go to your bedroom now” mother shouted at me being twice as loud as I was.

I can’t believe it I stormed out of the lounge, going to the kitchen to grab an apple. I finished my apple walking up to my room but was suddenly stopped by someone grabbing me and roughly pushing my onto the wall.

“Can’t wait till we get married” a familiar voice said. Oh no. Christopher.

“Fuck off” I said harshly trying to push him off.

“Ohh! Nice and feisty just how I like them” Christopher said as he kissed up my neck. Trying my hardest to get him of. It was no use.  

“CHRISTOPHER WHERE ARE YOU???”Mrs Young called. Thank god.

“Well I better go don’t have too much fun without me” he said as he winked and then kissed me right on the lips roughly and painfully. What felt like forever was finally over. As he walked away around the corner. I walked up to my room finishing my apple I plopped on my bed to go back to sleep.


I woke up opening my eyes to realise it was dark. Meaning I sleep a really long time. I got out of bed and went to my walk in wardrobe grabbing a coat to wear. Once it was put on I went down the halls to the grand gardens. A walk in the garden is what I needed to get my mind off of things. Opening the doors, I walked around going to my special place that always go to when I need to think. I walked over to the bench where it faces the pond, with the moon reflecting down on it sitting down on it.

So much to think about the marriage. I just don’t understand why it has it happen I can’t be controlled I don’t want to be a Queen married to someone who I really don’t want to be married to. I wish I was a normal girl, like the ones that go to school and have fun. I have never been outside the palace before to the ‘real world’. I wonder- *SNAP* what was that!! *SNAP* there it is again. I looked around not seeing anything, till my eyes looked straight ahead over the pond, behind the tree was a shadow. No just any shadow but it looked like a human shadow like a man. I could roughly see the outline of curly hair but what confused me the most was that I saw red eyes staring directly at me from the shadows. As soon as I saw that I ran.

Unknown Pov:

I walked over to the pond where Princess Ella sat looking out. She looked like she was pretty deep in thought *SNAP* as my foot stood on a stick*SNAP* shit!!! Another sound as I stood on a stick. She looked around until her eyes widened staring straight in my direction. Staring for a couple of minutes she ran back to the palace but if only she knew what was still yet to come.


Hope you like it! Took me forever to write. Comment below of what you think and don't forget to vote.

Thanks, lots of love Helena Xxx

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