Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Previously on Vampire Princess:

Ella's Pov:

I woke up to the sound of beeping noises. I realized that I must be in a hospital bed. How did I get here? It felt like someone was holding my hands. I opened my eyes blinded by the lights that shone in my eyes.

Once I recovered I looked over to my side to see a brown, curly haired boy with green eyes.

"Who are you??" I asked.........


Harry's Pov:

I can't believe I layed a hand on her. At least now she knows not to mess with me. I guess after the whole Josh situation I need a drink of alcohol but had to much. She looked so peaceful asleep only problem was that she was bruised and scarred. I felt her arm move as her blue eyes opened. She looked over to face me

"Who are you" She said confusion all over her features.

My heart stopped. What have I done?

"I'm Harry and your princess Ella princess of England. I'm your my soon to be Queen" I said " we were made for each other"

She looked at me confused and sighed.

"I'm sorry Harry I don't remember anything. Why am I in the hospital anyway?" she asked.

"You hit your head and lost your memory" I coolly said lying.

"Oh" was all she said.

Ella's Pov:

Anne came in asking me all these questions.

"It seems you have lost your memory when Harry-" she said but was stopped when Harry interrupted

"When I helped you from falling of the balcony. Seems you must of hit your head right Anne" Harry said glaring a Anne.

"Yes of course Sir" Anne replied. It didn't seem right.

"Your allowed out of hospital when you are ready" Anne explained.

"Okay" I said that turned out to be a whisper. I don't remember anything.

Harry came round with some clothes in his hands.

"Here thought you might want to change" he said.

"Thanks" I softly answered grabbing the clothes in his hands.

He walked out of the room while I got changed into jeans and a top. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked terrible. Mascara smeared all under my eyes with bags, hair sticking up in all directions. My back was stinging in pain and I had no clue why. I guess I must of landed on it or something. A knock on the door stopped my thoughts.

"Come in" I said.

A boy a bit older than me came in. He had brown hair with blue eyes. He looked familiar.

"Hey you probably don't remember me but umm.... I'm Louis, Lou for short" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

The name sounded familiar but I couldn't think. Louis did I know Louis?

"Hey" I replied avoiding eye contact.

"Ar... Harry came and told me to get you back to your room so...." He said gesturing to the door. This conversation was awkward.

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