Chapter Eight: New Puppy

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I had a new puppy! It was a pomeranian. I love those dogs!

"What's she called?" I asked.

"You chose. It's your dog. But I can take care of the medical stuff." Mum answered.

"OK. She's called Poppy."

"Poppy. I like it."

Mum and I took Poppy for a walk as she had a lead. She was a year old. After we took her for a walk, I asked Mum where she was from.

"A friend of mine has a pomeranian and she has just given birth and I told her that you wanted a puppy so she gave me one. I can't remember the price."

"She's so cute!" I said. I went into the garden and trained her to sit and roll over. I went out of the house with Poppy.

I saw Kieran having a walk with his pomeranian so I took Poppy round and the two puppies quickly made friends.

I went back home and Mum was getting ready for work. Today she works but for the next month or so she isn't. She's having a baby. It's an boy and she's a month away from having him. I had lunch and I was quite tired so I had a nap before tea.

Suddenly I fell asleep again and this dream was even stranger.

I was being chased by a figure down the road and I unexpectedly started flying into the sky. I threw orbs at the figure but she kept chasing me, even in the air. Then a portal appeared and two more figures came out. One had blood red eyes and the other had sea blue eyes. They kept chasing me. I was so out of breath that I fainted but I didn't wake up.

I tried to move but I just couldn't. I heard one of the figures saying,"the end of the world" and "we need her to save it".

End of the world? What's going on?

I woke up and I saw the figures in front of me. I made an orb in my hands and threw it at the figures.

"Zanna. We need you. You have to stop the end of the world."
They faded into smoke and I was left sat on the sofa with Poppy laid on my lap.

I hope you've enjoyed this story so far! It will have twelve chapters. Don't forget to follow me - I'll follow you back - and vote for this and my other stories.


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