Chapter Eleven: Kieran has powers too?

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💻Kieran's POV💻

I saw Zanna and smiled. I let myself into the house and introduced myself to her parents.

"You have powers?" I asked.

"Yes," he said, as a blinding light came out of his hand. He made an orb and it flew round us and turned into flowers.

"Neat, huh?"

"Where did you get your powers from? I was born with mine." said Zanna.

"Same. I started to show powers at five years old and we had to move because they always would reveal themselves when I was at school. What did you get for Christmas?"

She told me everything she got.

"Cool. I got a drone and a remote control tarantula to scare my sister! And other things too. Like a guitar and 50 pounds." I replied.

"Cool." Zanna said.


"You're welcome." she said.

💝Zanna's POV💝
I showed him my powers, we said bye to each other and he went back home. Suddenly, I began to shake. I thought I was ill but then everything and my parents started to shake violently.

I hope you've enjoyed this story so far! It will have twelve chapters. Don't forget to follow me - I'll follow you back - and vote for this and my other stories.


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