Y/n Reacts to Shirtless Keith

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Welcome to "Y/n's Trashy Space Life"! This is meant to be a film series and the first two episodes are in my Voltron x Reader book, so take a look at that!

Coran: Alright, let's go. The film device is currently powered... On!

Y/n: *waves to the camera* Hello newcomers! And possibly my future self and crew... Here we are, episode one of Y/n's Trashy Space Life! Time to get real! For our debut, the Voltron crew has selected something for me to react to. They'll close my eyes and then show me the person, place, or thing I'm reacting to. Let's do this!

*screen shows Y/n at a table*

Pidge: *places closed laptop on the table* Alright, you can open your eyes.

Y/n: It's... a laptop.

Pidge: *rolls eyes and smirks* Open it, stupid.

Y/n: *opens laptop and video starts playing* Oh okay, it's a tired, shirtless Lance in an elevator. *video noises in the background* Oh- Oh. My. God. HOLY *BLEEEEEEP* It's KEITH. He's wearing the towel like- Like a hood! Ohmylordsatan- this is too adorable! I can't! *pause* Did you just bleep me out? I said quiz-*BLEEP* Stop bleeping me!

Pidge: We have Altean viewers too!

Y/n: ...It's just Allura and Coran.


Y/n: *nose starts bleeding* O-oh, it's... It's *BLEEEP*-ING KLANCE. *sounds of distress and three types of fangirling*

*camera is knocked over*

Pidge: *voice in the background* Medic! We need a medic! There's blood everywhere! My god- Y/n!!

Coran: CUT!

I am absolute trash ♪~ () Welcome to the series!

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