First Meeting - Garrison Security Footage

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I think all of these will be inspired by the suggestions that the lovely TheOrangeGryffindor gave me 😉 It was an overload of suggestions, really.

Y/n: Ayyy, welcome back to the hysterical second episode of Y/n's Trashy Space Life! Actually, I don't know if it's hysterical since we didn't film it yet, but anyway! Our lovely bird child *winks* AKA Pidgeon has hacked into the Garrison, and other, cameras! *whispers* No surprise there. *normal voice* She has found the supposed tapes, we don't know for sure yet, of the first time I met everybody there... because she's not allowed- STOP TRYING TO WATCH IT PIDGE. *Pidge slinks out of the camera frame* Let's get started.

*Keith and Y/n are in an empty hallway*

Keith: Why are you following me?

Y/n: Why do you happen to be walking in front of me?

Keith: You almost walked into the boys' bathroom after me!

Y/n: I wasn't looking at the sign!


Y/n: ...

Y/n: Okay, maybe I am, but only because you seem like the only one in this school who isn't a big-headed a- ...jerk.

Keith: Okay then. *keeps walking*

Y/n: ... *stands still*

Keith: *stops* You coming?

Y/n: *smiles* Yeah.

*Keith and Y/n in the present in the studio (aka the training room)*

Y/n: *smiling* Well, it took awhile to get through to him, but this boy is actually a cinnamon roll. *ruffles his hair*

Keith: *pouting*

Lance: *leaps "quietly" from behind and reaches for Keith's hair*

Keith: *slaps his hand away without looking* Don't touch me.

*Y/n and Katie (calling her Katie so you get the visual) walking - separately - through the Garrison*

Katie: *bumps into stranger ;)* Oh, sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going.

Y/n: *rolls eyes* Obviously. Wait y-you're Katie Holt right?

Katie: Uh, yeah. Why?

Y/n: I'm Y/n L/n and I got to meet the Kerberos crew! And Matt was telling me all about you before he left cause, y'know, we switched numbers, and he said you were the same age as me! Isn't that so great? Anyways, he said I should help provide support while he and your father are gone. *sticks out hand* Wanna be friends?

Katie: Well... I guess I can't really say no. *shakes hand* Nice to meet you, Y/n.

*Y/n and Pidge in the studio, present time*

Y/n: Oh no, that one day I tried to be extroverted.

Pidge: Yeah, you were wayyyy too excited.

Y/n: *rolls eyes* Thanks, Pidgey.

Pidge: Team Mystic!

Y/n: ...What?

*Y/n walks through the halls with Iverson*

Iverson: I hope you understand the great opportunity you're being presented with, Cadet L/n.

Y/n: Yes, sir. These men are my heroes and I hope to be as skilled as them one day.

Iverson: Your flying is right behind Cadet Kogane's, so there is no doubt that there is a possibility that you could learn the skills.

Y/n: Uh, thank you, sir.

*door opens*

Samuel Holt: Ah, you must be Y/n.

Y/n: *smiles* Yes, that's me.

Matt: Hey. Pleasure to meet you.

Shiro: Hello again, Y/n. Sorry I didn't really have a chance to talk to you last time.

Y/n: Oh no, it's fine. Don't worry. Keith made sure I was never bored.

Samuel: So, shall we begin your introduction to the power and complexity of science?

Y/n: *laughs* Yes please. Let's get started!

*current time*

Shiro: Yeah, that was definitely a long talk we gave you.

Y/n: Yup, one hour, seventeen minutes, and six point two seconds for the presentation.

Shiro: ...One, how do you know that?, and two, how do you even remember that?

Y/n: I know, I'm amazing.

*Garrison cafeteria*

Lance: *places his tray next to Y/n's* Mind if I join you?

Y/n: Yes, I do mind, actually.

Lance: Well, no one as pretty as you should be sitting alone.

*Hunk and Pidge sit down across from them*

Y/n: Ka-

Pidge: She said okay! Hi, I'm Pidge. *strange facial expression of attempted sincerity* This is Hunk. *gestures to Hunk* That idiot is Lance. *points in his direction*

Lance: Hey!

Y/n: *snickers* Isn't he the one who was always trying to get in Keith's face?

Pidge: *laughs* Yeah, probably for a smooch!

Lance: W-what? Are you crazy?! I would never kiss him.

Y/n and Pidge: Yes you would!

Lance: No I wouldn't!

Y/n and Pidge: Yes!

Lance: No!

Y/n and Pidge: No!

Lance: Yes!

Y/n and Pidge: Haha, yes! *high-five across the table*

Lance: Wait.

Lance: NO! Nononononononono-

Y/n and Pidge: Batman!

Hunk: Are you guys going to finish your food?

*Back in the studio*

Y/n: Ah, Lance being an idiot. One of my favorite forms of daily entertainment!

Pidge: Whoa, same bro!

Lance: You guys are mean.

Hunk: *stuffs a donut in his mouth*

Y/n: Join us next time on Y/n's Trashy Space Life for- uh, what's the next episode?

Pidge: *facepalm* We didn't decide yet, you knucklehead.

Y/n: Oh. Join us next time anyway!

Stay tuned for more space trash! I hope you enjoyed seeing the group when they first became pal-adins. I will show myself to the door ♪~ ()

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