How to Protecc Smol Children

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Y/N is sitting on the couch.

Hello, my dudes! While the title of this episode is "How to Protecc Smol Children," it also covers some basics about being a good, bad-ass, big sis! So let's get started.

Using a screen swipe, the scene changes. HUNK is sitting on the sofa, eyes misty with tears. Y/N sits down next him, draping a blanket over his shoulders. She embraces him and pats his shoulder.

What's a matter, Hunk?

W-Well, you see...

Y/N (Narrator)
When your tiny loved ones get depressed, you have to think about what's best for them. Some just need to be told that everything's okay. Some need to know that others depend on them. But, tell them that they can cry if they need to, that's it okay to cry. Emotions are a human thing, guys. Crying doesn't make you weak.

The screen swipes again to show PIDGE sitting on the floor in the dark with a blanket wrapped around her. Y/N walks in quietly.

Why won't this work?! Stupid piece of junk!

Y/N hugs PIDGE from behind.

Hey, calm down... You've been working for hours. You should to take a break and get some rest.



I'm not going to stop until I find my family.

Pidge... they're tough, and they would want you to take care of yourself. You can't help them if you're not at your best.

...I guess so.

Y/N picks up PIDGE bridal style, except that none of PIDGE's of limbs are sticking out, so it's like she's holding a big rock. Shifting in PIDGE in her arms, Y/N leans PIDGE on her hip and closes PIDGE's laptop before walking out of the room. The screen changes again to show Y/N sitting on the couch.

It is important to make sure your smol friends and siblings don't do anything that could hurt themselves, physically or mentally. That's why we must protecc... and attacc if necessary.

Y/N picks up a photo that is sitting next to her. She holds it in front of her and smiles.

There are good people in this world, who are kind and pure. Once you find one, hold tight and never let go because they will make your life so much more enjoyable.

Y/N holds up the photo and the camera zooms in on it. The picture shows Y/N with her arms around HUNK and PIDGE, all three of them laughing.

That's all in the guide for now. Um, see you later I guess?

Bada bing bada boom
I have one more to do~ nyoom

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