First Kiss | Final Episode

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Y/N is sitting by herself on the couch. She smiles deviously.

Alright, it's time for the story of my first kiss. But because I'm a mysterious person, we're going to make this a little more interesting. I'm going to tell a couple stories and you can guess which one it was. Oh, and I'm recording this by myself so no one else comments. Now, let's get to it!

Y/N claps her hands together.

Okay, story one. It happened during a storm. We were stopped on a planet that had these extremely violent storms. Ordinarily, I like the rain, and so does he... but this storm was absolutely terrifying. The sky flashed red and huge boulders fell down on the castle. One broke through the shield and crashed into the side of the ship. Let's just say I panicked. Full on mental breakdown, hysterical tears, overwhelming memories. He told me that it would be okay, and that he would protect me. I was holding onto him, and he softly turned my face to look at him. He whispered that he would always be there to protect me and then he just... leaned down and kissed me.

Y/N sighs and covers her face.

Alright, story two.

Y/N clears her throat.

Once upon a time, on a planet called Xintsquatl-42, a young Y/n was shopping at a market with her close friend to celebrate defeating a Galra base. They found a store that sold leather notebooks, glass pieces, jewelry, and bags. The two separated ways to find stuff they wanted. I walked through and found a dark, leather journal with some engravings along the side. When I opened it to the back, it projected a digital screen and keyboard. When I got to the register, he had already finished paying. I asked what he got, but he just said he would show me later. So we walked back to the castle and we went to his room to look at our stuff. I showed him the book. He pulled out two necklaces, simple things with circular crystal pendants on a silver chain. He explained that if he pressed down on one, the other would vibrate once, and if they were both pressed at the same time, the users could talk to each other. He unclasped one and put it around my neck. He told me "I got them for us, so that whenever you need something, you can just ask me."

Y/N laughs and rubs the back of her neck.

Then he got embarrassed and said that I could always ask someone else, but he wanted to be there for me. So then I pulled him in and y'know... kissed him.

Y/N coughs.

Story number three. It was a late night, and I couldn't sleep. I walked out to the bridge, blanket wrapped around my shoulders like a cloak. I looked quite majestic, if I do say so myself. Anyway, I was sitting on the floor by myself with a cup of... hot beverage - I don't know what it was. She walked out and sat down next to me, sitting with her one blanket. She said, "Why are you out here by yourself?"

Y/N sighs and rubs her forehead.

My response was "I don't know, just the usual. Insomnia and an existential crisis." God damn that was stupid... aish. Anyway, she said "you're too pretty to be sad." And I had no idea what to say cause I started to blush really hard and I was like "...Thanks?" Then she leaned toward me and asked in the softest voice, "Can I kiss you?" Aaah I was freakin' out so I was just like "S-Sure yeah that's cool." So she leaned forward and smooch bam wham I just kissed a girl.

Y/N smiles and clears her throat again.

So final story. I was training with my bro and- yes I said bro -we were basically having a battle to the almost death. Then I did one of those sweet flip moves that everyone says is cool, but in reality it's just about timing, and I knocked him over. My staff was held next to his throat and I was straddled- why is that such an awkward word- over him, sitting on his stomach. I declared myself the winner and he just raised his eyebrows, a cocky smirk on his face, and said "Oh really?" And he pulled me down by the front of my hoodie to press his lips on mine and dang that was it.

Y/N smirks at the camera.

Or I literally just made all of these up cause I've never kissed anybody in my life. Quick PSA from your favorite heroine; demis, aros, and aces exist and they're all super cool? Especially the ace peeps. They get along with dragons.

Thanks for sticking with me 💕 I love you guys UwU

Any version works but I personally pictured these combos
Story 1: Lance, Story 2: Keith (and Hunk), Story 3: Pidge (or Allura), Story 4: Keith (or Shiro)

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