We're Not Friends

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    I sat on the porch, staring at Carl and Enid. They were holding hands and Enid was laughing at something Carl had said. I sighed, looking down. I couldn't help but feel jealous. There were no other people here in Alexandria that were my age. The only other teenagers were Carl, Enid, and I. Ron was dead and so was Mikey. Even though I didn't hang out with them much, they had made an effort to talk to me. Even Sam did, but he was gone too. It kind of sucked because now I had no one to talk to.

    Glenn was dead, Abraham was dead, Beth was dead. Everyone I was close to was dead.
    I was close to Maggie, but she was pregnant and she was at the hilltop with Sasha. Rick was intimidating and I didn't really interact with him much only when he needs me to do something. Daryl was like a father to me. I'm pretty sure he didn't want to deal with teenage stuff so I didn't bother talking to him. Negan had took him a while ago when he killed Glenn and Abraham. Carol was the one I went to whenever I needed help with something, or if I needed someone to talk to, but she wasn't here anymore. I took it pretty hard when she left, but she's still alive, I think.    I had no friends here. It sucked and I've never felt so alone. Enid and Carl are both so hung up on each other that they don't even notice me. As much as it hurts, I guess it's for the best.

    "Y/N, Carl, Enid!" Rick called. I walked up to Rick along with Enid and Carl who were still holding hands. "I need you three to go and clear that store that's down the street. I need you to get Judith's formula" He told us.

    "Okay" I nodded. Enid and Carl agreed and we grabbed our guns and knives and made our way towards the store. I was walking in front of Carl and Enid and they were behind me.
    "You don't talk much, do you?" Enid asked me.

    "No." I replied and continued walking. I had no interest in talking to them. As much as I wanted friends, I did not want to be friends with a couple who constantly left me out of things and made me feel like a third wheel.

    "Why not?" Carl asked.

    "Because I just don't." I answered.

    "Well, you could talk to us" Enid offered, tilting her head at me.

    "No thanks" I mumbled and I increased my pace. They didn't seem to care and began to talk among themselves.

    We made it to the store and luckily we had yet to run into any walkers. I decided that I was gonna check inside the store. I leaned against the door, slowly opening it.

    "Um...I think maybe I should go in first" Carl suggested. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and I looked at him, shaking my head.

    "No. I'm already looking." I told him.

    "I know, but I just think it'd be better if I went in first just in case anything happens" he argued.
    "Are you saying just because I'm a girl that I can't defend myself against walkers?" I scoffed, glaring at him.   

    "No, I'm just saying I don't want you to get hurt. I think maybe I should do it" he explained.
    I glared harder at him. "I got it" and then I slowly began walking inside. Before I made it in, a walker charged at me. I quickly plunged the knife that was in my hands into its skull. I walked into the store, with Enid and Carl following, and I was then surrounded by walkers. "Shit" I cursed under my breath and stabbed a walker in it's head. Carl and Enid immediately stepped in.

    "Y/N look out!" Carl shouted towards me as he stabbed a walker that was dangerously close to biting me. I jumped out of the way.

   "Thanks" I mumbled.

    After we cleared the store, I began to look for the formula. As I was looking, Carl walked beside me.

    "I have this feeling that you don't like me" he said as we walked down the aisle.

Carl Grimes/Chandler Riggs Imagines *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now