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    "Thanks" I mumbled quietly as I took the brown bag from Maggie and walked into the bathroom. "This cannot be happening" I whispered to myself as I took the pregnancy test out of the bag. I did a silent prayer, hoping that I wasn't pregnant. I would never think about bringing a baby into this world. Not while Negan is still alive.

    I was also only sixteen so if I was pregnant, I don't know what the hell I'm going to do. I can't be pregnant. That'll be a betrayal to myself and everyone here. After taking the pregnancy test, I paced around the bathroom, waiting for the results to come in.

    I snuck a few glances at the test. I was anxious about the results and a part of me wasn't ready to see the outcome. I had made the mistake of not using protection. I was stuck in the moment and it just happened. God, why am I so stupid! After a few minutes I took a look at the pregnancy test.

    My heart sank as I saw two lines indicating that I was indeed pregnant. Tears filled my eyes and I covered my mouth with my hand. This cannot be happening I thought to myself.  I heard a light knock on the door. "Y/N are you alright?" Maggie's voice filled my ears. I opened the door and pulled her inside, closing the door back.

    Maggie stared at me and then at the pregnancy test. "Y/N... why weren't you careful?" She asked. I held back my sobs as the tears escaped freely from my eyes. "It just happened" I cried. "Oh, honey..." Maggie trailed off before pulling me into a tight hug. I hugged her back tightly and cried into her shoulder. "H-How am I gonna tell Carl?" I asked her.

    She rubbed my back in order to calm me down before answering, "you just have to tell him. Rip it off like a bandage." I sniffled a little and nodded, pulling away from her embrace. "Thank you, Maggie" I whispered. She smiled at me sympathetically. "No problem sweetie" and with that being said, she walked out.

    I stayed in the bathroom, contemplating on what I should do. I don't know how Carl is going to react. Memories of that night flooded my brain.

    I sniffled, wiping my tears. "I miss him" I cried, looking at Carl. He pulled me into his arms, embracing me in a tight hug. I hugged him back and cried into his chest. "People die all the time, Y/N" Carl whispered in my ear. After settling down, I pulled away from him, wiping away my tears.

    "I know" I sniffled weakly. He gently caressed my cheek, wiping away my tears. I slightly leaned into his touch, placing my hand on top of his. He stared into my eyes and I stared back into his. Slowly I began to lean in and he did the same.

    I kissed him, bringing him closer to me. He kissed me back, pulling me onto his lap, causing me to straddle him. Quickly the kiss became more heated and his tongue slowly slid into my mouth. I moaned as our tongue danced for dominance. 

    Carl pulled away, slowly kissing down my neck. I tilted my head, giving him more room as I grinded against him. He groaned slightly against my neck, biting it gently. I moaned a little louder as he hit my soft spot. I grew impatient and lifted up Carl's shirt, taking it off.

    He laid me back on the bed, reconnecting his lips with mine. I wrapped my legs around his waist and moaned as he grinded against me this time. Soon enough, my shirt was off. I gripped lightly on Carl's hair as he trailed kisses down my neck to my chest.

    Tears fell down my cheeks. That night was a mistake. It shouldn't have happened. I was caught up in being upset and hurt that I let it happen. He isn't even my boyfriend for crying out loud! I took a few more minutes to compose myself.

    Once I stopped crying, I stepped out of the bathroom, taking the pregnancy test with me to throw it away. I successfully threw it away without anyone seeing me with it. "Time to tell Carl" I mumbled and took a deep breath before walking out of the house to find him. I look down the road to see Carl and Enid holding hands and walking towards the house, laughing. As I watched the two, I felt my heart break slightly. My heart felt heavy and it hurt at the sight of them.

    I didn't know how I was going to tell Carl now. He was into Enid. I could tell. I looked to my right and I see Ron staring at the two also. He looked pissed. Enid was his girlfriend after all until Carl came along. I wasn't judging her though and I wasn't​ judging Carl either. I knew how Ron could be and besides, Carl deserved a girlfriend.

    I went back inside and saw Maggie and Glenn sitting at the table, smiling and being cute together. I chuckled softly at the two of them and walked up to the table. "Hey, Y/N" Glenn greeted me, smiling. I smiled back at him and gave him a small wave and looked at Maggie. She tilted her head. "Have you told him yet?" She asked. I slowly shook my head no. "Told who what yet?" Glenn asked, looking between Maggie and I. "I'm pregnant" I whispered, looking down.

    It was silent. I looked up to see Glenn staring at me. "You're only sixteen..." He spoke. "I know that" I groaned, tilting my head back and sighing. "Let me guess. Carl's the father?" He assumed. "Yup" I answered, popping the 'p'. "Hun, you have to tell him. He has to know about this" Maggie tells me, grabbing a hold of my hand. Tears began to fill my eyes once again.

    "Can't I just kill the baby? Find a way to get an abortion that way I won't have to face the look of betrayal when I tell everyone?" I asked. I was ashamed of my thoughts. I was highly against abortion, but I really didn't know what to do at this point. I couldn't raise a baby in this environment. Maggie already has one on the way and we already have Judith.

    "No, Y/N. You need to woman up and go tell him. You can't get an abortion. I'm sorry." Maggie snapped at me. I sighed, looking down. "Alright" I mumbled, walking out of the house once again.  When I walked out, Carl was walking up the steps. "Hey" he greeted, standing in front of me. "Hi" I mumbled quietly. He smiled at me and was about to walk past me until I grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

    "We need to talk" I whisper, avoiding his gaze. "Okay. What's wrong?" Carl asked. I took a deep breath, tears forming in my eyes again. "I-" I started, but I couldn't finish the sentence. I just couldn't get it out. "Y/N, what is it?" He asked, concerned. Suck it up, Y/N. I thought to myself. Taking another deep breath, I looked straight at Carl.

    "I'm pregnant" I announced to him. Carl stood there, staring at me. He was in shock. He didn't say a word. Couldn't even blink. He just stood there and stared at me. I avoided his stare, fidgeting from one leg to another, biting the inside of my cheek nervously. "Say something" I choked out after a few minutes of no response. "How could I let this happen..."Carl whispered to himself, looking down. I tilted my head. "What?" I asked. He looked at me and a tear fell from his eye.

     "My mom died from child birth. Negan is out there and we already have a baby in the house and another on the way. How could I let this happen? You could die and we are putting a baby into this world and we don't even have enough to take care of one" he cried. I stared at the ground in silence​. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say.

    I was ashamed at myself for letting this happen. I was ashamed at myself for putting us and the rest of the group through this even though not everyone knew what was going on. I began to sob and wrap my arms around myself tightly. This isn't happening. I closed my eyes tightly as I continued to sob.

    Carl pulled me into his chest, holding me close. I wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my face in his chest as I cried more. "I'm sorry" I let out weakly. My voice was muffled by Carl's chest, but I didn't care. "Enid" I heard Carl whisper and I pulled away from the hug, turning around. Enid stomped down the road angrily, her back turned to us. I looked up at Carl and he was looking down at me. 

    Wiping a few tears, I asked weakly, "I ruined your relationship, didn't I?" "There was barely a relationship there" Carl mumbled as he pulled me back into his arms and gently rubbed my back. I wrapped my arms around his waist again, laying my head on his chest as I stared at nothing. I was having a baby. I had to accept that. I would do anything for this baby and I vow to protect he/she with my life.

Carl Grimes/Chandler Riggs Imagines *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now