The Herd 2

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As Carol walked inside​ the room, I shut the door behind her considering I was behind the opened door. She turned around and looked at me. "Y/N, you scared me" she mumbled. I looked at her with a blank stare as I walked towards her, ever so slowly. "It's your fault. It's your fault he's dead" I dead panted, my voice dangerously low.

"What are you talking about?" She asked nervously. I laughed coldly and shook my head. "Don't play dumb." I growled. I took another step towards her and she took another step back. "You put that story in Sam's head. Because of you, he froze. Because of you, he remembered that story and he was scared. Because of you, he died" I spat towards her. Carol looked down and looked everywhere else but me.

"I wasn't trying to scare him like that" she whispered. Tears began to fill my eyes and I tried not to let it fall. I had to stay strong. "Because of you, they're dead" and after those words came out of my mouth, I broke down right then and there. I dropped to my knees and sobbed. I couldn't stop crying. The tears kept coming.

Carol took a step towards me. "N-No. D-Don't touch me" I let out weakly as I sobbed. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. Honestly at that moment I wanted to die. I had no one. The Anderson's were all I had and they were taken away from me. The door opened, but I didn't bother to look. I curled into a fetal position on the floor and cried my heart out.

Someone kneeled down beside me and pulled me into their lap and rocked me gently. "Shh. It'll be alright" Daryl's voice filled my ears. I clenched onto his shirt as I continued to cry. I couldn't help it. I couldn't help but to cry. I was weak, vulnerable, hurt, angry, upset, and so many other emotions flooded through me.

Once I composed myself and stopped crying, Daryl let me go. "You gone be alright?" He asked me. Wiping my tears, I slowly nod and make my way back to the infirmary. The least I could do is see Carl. Once there I saw Michonne holding Judith and Rick was sitting next to Carl's bed, holding his hand. He was crying. He was begging Carl to stay alive. Seeing Carl laying there almost dead pained me more than I was already hurting. I took a deep breath.

Carl's hand tightened around Rick's hand and slowly his eye began to open. "D-Dad" he choked out. Rick smiled slightly through his tears as he pulled Carl into a gentle hug. I sighed in relief as Michonne and I walked into the room. "Y-Y/N, I-" he began but I stopped him. "I'm sorry" I mumbled.

I walked in further to the room. "I am so sorry this happened. I am so sorry" I whispered and began to cry. Rick looked at Michonne and they walked out. I took Rick's seat as I continued to cry. "I'm sorry" I said again, the tears rolling down my cheeks freely. Carl grabbed a hold of my hand. I looked at him through my tears.

"Stop apologizing. This isn't your fault. None of it is." He said sincerely. His voice was scratchy and hoarse. "He was my best friend" I whispered, looking down at our joined hands. "I know he was Y/N. I'm so sorry that you lost him." Carl said. I didn't think that I could cry anymore, but when the tears began to fall again, I knew that the tears hadn't ran out yet.

"Come here" Carl mumbled as he moved over from where he was laying. I looked at him, confused. "W-What?" I sniffled. "Come. Lay down. You need comforting right now" he told me. I nodded slowly and laid down next to him. I faced him and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. "I am so sorry Y/N. I know that they were your family. I know how much you loved them" Carl whispered in my ear.

"Look at me. I'm here crying my heart out and you're the one with the one eye" I mumbled pathetically. "No. You can cry. I understand your pain. You just lost your family. Right in front of you. You'd be crazy not to cry" he explained, running his fingers gently through my hair. I sniffled and tears slowly fell down my cheeks.

"I was so angry. I was angry at everything. I was mostly angry at Carol. I wanted to kill her. I blamed her for Sam's death" I softly whispered, staring at nothing as the memory flooded my brain. The way Sam screamed will forever be stuck in head. Plus, the gunshot. The gunshot echoes throughout my brain and I can't seem to get it out of my head either.

"It's alright. You have the right to be mad. I was mad at my dad for the longest time. I blamed him for everything that had happened to us. Soon enough I forgave him." Carl explained. I closed my eyes, sniffling softly. "You should get some rest. You just woke up from being shot" I suggested, my eyes still closed. "You wanna stay and get some sleep? It is pretty late." He asked. I nodded and slowly I drifted off to sleep with Carl holding me close.


"When did he wake up?" I heard a female voice ask. "Last night. Y/N was crying and they were talking so I figured Michonne and I could give them some time to talk" I heard another voice. Rick. "They look so cute cuddled together" I heard a different voice say. "I don't see it" another voice answered. I stirred and slowly opened my eyes. They connected with the four people standing in front of the door of the infirmary.

Rick, Glenn, Maggie, and Enid.
"Morning" Glenn greeted, smiling. "Hi" I mumbled tiredly and looked beside me. Carl opened his eye and it connect with my e/c ones. He smiled at me slightly. "Good morning, beautiful" he greeted in his morning voice. I blushed and looked back over towards the people standing at door.

Carl looked also and his eye widened then his cheeks flushed a faint red. Enid looked sad and she looked between the both of us before walking out. "How you feeling?" Rick asked as he walked towards us. "Like I was hit by a truck" Carl groaned as he sat up. I sat up too and got up from the bed.

"I don't want you moving around today. Your body needs to rest" Rick told him. Carl just nodded. Maggie and Glenn talked to Carl for a bit before walking out. Just as I was about to, Carl stopped me. "Y/N can you stay with me?" He asked. I looked at him. "You...want me to stay?" I asked, checking if I heard right. "Yeah, stay. Please" he said.

I nodded, walking back to the bed and sitting down. "So.. what's up with you and Enid?" I asked. He looked at me. "She's my best friend. That's basically it though." He explained. I nodded and looked down at my hands, thinking about Ron. "You and Ron...?" Carl asked. "We had something that was just starting, but he's gone now so.." I mumbled. Carl grabbed my hand and gently​ rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand.

"Hey, it's okay" he reassured. I nodded and laid down, laying my head on his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair and I looked up at him. His one eye connected with mine. I never noticed how blue his eyes were. Well, now, eye. Carl gently stroked my cheek. "You look so broken" he whispered. I leaned into his touch and just stared at him. "Y/N, I like you" he confessed. I blinked, processing what he just said and sat up.

"You like me?" I asked, unsure of what I just heard. "Yeah, I do. A lot." He mumbled. I smiled slightly. "I like you too" he smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into his chest and he kissed the top of my head. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. It was perfect. This moment was perfect. We both leaned in and he kissed me softly. I kissed him back and gently caressed his cheek. After a few seconds we pulled away and Carl smiled at me. I slightly smiled back and snuggled into his chest.

Carl Grimes/Chandler Riggs Imagines *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now