Chapter 12

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Bobby, Michael, Kenny, Tobias and I was on our way to confirm a deal we had with some gun sellers. It was something we always did a week before we would deliver them to the customer. We would meet them just outside Hollywood. 

I had stayed in the club for a week without leaving it so that Al wouldn't suspect anything. This was my first mission since I'd returned to the club. 

We were going down the streets of Hollywood when I suddenly saw Brian, Matt and some other guy on the sidewalk. Both Brian and Matt stopped walking and just looked at us. My heart started to pound really hard. Could they look away? What if Bobby saw them? He'd seen them before and could recognize them and he would then know that I lied to the club. I kept my eyes on the road and tried to ignore them. I would have to have a talk to Matt later today when we'd agreed to meet. 

We arrived to the place where we would meet the salesmen. Three men stood in an alley with suits on. I went off the bike the same time as the other guys did and we then walked up to the salesmen together. They looked a bit nervous when we walked up to them. 

"How's the delivery going?" Bobby asked. 

"We're working every hour of the day to get them to arrive in time", one of the guys said. 

"You don't have them yet?" Bobby asked. 

"Well… no", the guy said. 

"I want them here in five days or my niece Jaclyn here will make it quite uncomfortable for you", Bob said. 

"What is that girl going to do?" one of the guys chuckled. 

"Be late with delivery and you'll get to know", I said. 

They never expected me to be able to do anything… if they only knew. 

"We will be back here on monday and expect that you will have everything ready for us, understood?" Bobby said. 

"Yeah", the guys mumbled. 

"Great! Well have fun", he said. 

We left the guys and went back to our bikes. 

"I'm gonna go and see if I can find anything for my new bike in the dump. I'll see you guys tonight", I said and drove away towards Matt's house. 

I looked around to see if anyone from the club was nearby before I stopped the bike outside Matt's house. Matt opened the door before I had the time to knock. 

"How did you know I was here?" I asked him. 

"I heard the sound of your motorcycle", he smiled and took my hand and dragged me inside. 

He closed the door and then kissed me. I kissed back but punched him on the arm on the same time. 

"Ouch what was that for?" he asked and put his hand on his arm. 

"Because you stared so fucking much at us today", I said. 

"What's so bad about that?" he asked. 

"Because people at the club knows who you are", I said. 

"Oh… I didn't think about that", he said. 

"You have to start thinking about that Matt. The guys in my club are really observed on everything. They notice stuff", I said. 

"Yeah yeah I will" he said and then kissed me again. "It was just that you looked really hot on that bike and I've missed you." 

"I've missed you too", I said. 

"So where were you going today when I saw you?" he asked and we walked into the kitchen where he started to make us sandwiches. 

"To meet some guys that sells guns. We went to confirm the deal we have with them", I said. 

"You're selling guns?" he asked and looked a little surprised for some reason.

"Yeah", I said. 

"So how did it go?" he asked.

"They don't have our stuff yet so I have a feeling that it won't end good", I sighed. 

"What do you mean?" he asked. 

"Well if they can't get our stuff in time then we lose money on that and our customer loses even more. The customer will probably tell others not to buy from us and we will lose even more money. So these guys will have to pay us for that they messed up, they'll probably not have the money and that will get consequences", I said.


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