Chapter 13

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I laid in my bed and texted Matt to make sure about the time we would meet tomorrow when Bobby walked into the room. 

"Hey kid", he said and sat down on my bed.

"Hi uncle Bob", I said. 

"How are you?" he asked. 

"Good?" I said and wanted him to tell me why he really was here. 

"You've been out a lot lately", he said.

"Oh I have?" 

"Yeah, sneaking out all the time", he said. 

"I'm not sneaking out", I protested. 

"Yes you do. I know what it looks like when a Wilkins does that."

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"I mean that I saw how your father acted when he started seeing your mother", he said. 

"He snuck out to see my mom?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, he didn't want the guys to find out that he'd fallen in love."

"Why not?" 

"Maybe for the same reason that you're trying to hide this guy from us, I don't know. He wasn't sure that the other would approve her."

"I didn't know that…" I said. 

"But finally we all found out", he said. 

"I can't let anyone know who he is", I said. 

"Then you really have to be careful because people are starting to notice", he said. 

"Thanks for letting me know Bobby", I said.  

"Is it Al you're trying to hide this guy from?" he asked. 

"… yeah", I said. "It's so complicated."

"Do you feel that you can't trust him?" he asked. 

"Totally. It doesn't feel right to have him as the president of this club. It never has", I said. 

"I know what you mean", he said. 


"Yes. He's driving this club to its death."

"I miss the old days…", I sighed.

"We all do. We all miss your dad and his way of keeping this club alive. He had a vision for it and wouldn't ever let it be like this. He hated all the criminal shit." 

"Then why did he start with the gun business?" I asked. 

"Easy and fast money. It was a way to build up the club, make the financial steady and then continue with fixing cars. But then he died and Al took over the place. He didn't settle with a good finance, he wanted more and more and now we're here", he said. "Al is making almost all the decisions by himself, your father never did that. He always asked what we wanted to do and we all made the decisions together." 

"Why couldn't you be the president? You're dads brother!" 

"Because Al was his best friend and the vice president. It was his turn to sit at the end of the table", he sighed. 

"One day I'll change this whole club…" I mumbled. 

"And I will be right on your side if you do", he said. "I'm gonna go home now kid, see you tomorrow." 

"Bye uncle Bobby", I said. 

That conversation put my mind on a spin. I'd had no idea about all those things Bobby told me. That my dad had tried to hide my mom from the club without succeeding, that he never wanted the club to be a criminal one. That he just wanted to help people with their cars but didn't quite have the money for it. 

I missed my dad so much… 

And I had no idea what to do with Matt either. 

Matt's POV 

I sat in the couch together with my parents who were visiting me when I got a text from Jaclyn. She was just making sure about which time we would meet tomorrow. 

"Who's Jaclyn? Is that the girl that you have as background picture on your phone?" my mom asked. 

She wasn't supposed to see that.. 

"Uhm yes… she's my girlfriend", I said. 

"Why haven't we heard about this girl before?" she asked. 

"Because I've kinda kept her a secret", I said and scratched my neck.

"Why?" my dad asked. 

"She's not really… a typical girl", I said. 

"What's wrong with her?" mom asked.

"It's nothing wrong with her… she just comes from a different background than most of us", I said. 

"I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say son", dad said. 

"She's kinda.. a member of Brothers of Sin."

"The motorcycle club?" mom asked surprised. "Matt they're behind some really bad stuff. They're suspected for even murders!" 

"Yeah I know but Jaclyn is different. She's a really nice girl", I said. 

"So you mean that she's in this really bad MC club but she doesn't do anything bad?" dad asked. 

"Of course she's done bad shit but she never liked those stuff", I said. 

"So why is she in the club?" he asked.

"I think it was like her father that started it or something. She's raised in that club and the people there is her family", I said. 

"How did you meet this girl? I mean you're always on tour", mom said. 

"Well she was kinda sent by their leader or something to… kill me", I said. 

"WHAT?" they both said. 

I sighed and told them the whole story about Jaclyn. How we met, everything I knew about the club and stuff like that. 

"You can't be with a girl like that Matt", mom said. 

"Okay, look, I'm gonna meet her tomorrow, you two can join me and see that she's not as bad as you think", I said. 

"I don't know Matt…" dad said. 

"Just give her one chance", I said. 

"Okay, one chance", mom said. 

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