Chapter 15

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I looked up on Matt and wiped away my tears. What was he thinking? Cops, people, probably the club would be here in just a second! 

I looked down on Kenny again. Al killed him. I couldn't believe it. "I'm sorry Ken", I whispered and then stood up. 

"Matt, you shouldn't be out here", I said. 

"I'm not leaving you", he said again and walked over and put his arms around me. 

"How can you even look at me Matt? I just killed a man. I'm used to all of this but you're not", I said. 

"Yeah, you killed a man, for me. And I'm sorry that it had to go so far that your cousin died but I don't care about what you did. I'll never care, because I love you Jaclyn that's the only thing that matters for me", he said. 

The only way I could reply that was with a kiss. We broke it as fast as we heard motorcycles down the street. I saw the who club stop on the street outside Matt's house. I walked over to them.

"What's happening here?" uncle Bob asked.

"Bobby I'm so sorry", I said and a tear fell from my eye again. 

"What do you mean?" he said and looked behind me.

I didn't have to explain. He saw it himself. 

"Kenny no", he said and ran over to Kenny's body. 

"What happened?" Tobias asked who now stood next to me.

"Al killed Kenny", I said. 

"And who killed Al?" he asked. 

"I did." 

I could feel everyones eyes on me. "I'll explain back in the club house, but we should really go away from here before the cops arrives", I said. 

Everyone went back to their bikes and I walked over to Matt. 

"I'm sorry. I'll come see you tonight after I've explained to the guys. You should take care of your parents right now, I'm sure they're pretty choked up", I said. 

"I love you", he said and kissed me. 

"I love you too." 

He went inside his house and I went to my bike and drove with the others to the club house. We gathered around the table with two chairs standing empty. 

I explained the whole thing. Everything from when Al asked me to go kill Matt, to what happened while I was on the tour with them and how I'd been sneaking out to see him now so that Al wouldn't find out. 

"I never meant it to end like this…", I sighed and looked down in the table. "I'm so sorry uncle Bob." 

"It's not your fault kid. Believe me, I feel like killing the whole world right now for what happened to my boy but I could never blame you for this. Al was a true psycho", uncle Bobby said. "So what now? Our president is dead. The cops will probably knock on our door in only a few minutes."

"We'll tell them that we had no idea that it'd happened. Just that they were out. And for the president part, I guess that's you now Bob", Michael said. 

And then we heard how cars parked outside the house. 

"Everyone, try to  act like normal", Bobby said and we all walked out to the bar, some people sneaked out to the workshop.

Seven policemen walked into the clubhouse. 

"Ey! What the fuck!" some of the guys said, really pretending like nothing was wrong. 

"We'd like to speak with the man in charge", one of the cops said. 

"He's out right now", Bob said. 

"Yeah we know", the cop said. 

"Then why did you ask?" I said. 

"We found two of your members dead about half an hour ago. Shot. Both in the head. One of them is your leader, Al, shot in the stomach and head. We wonder that you know about that", another cop said. 

"What?" everyone said. 

"Wait… the only two missing here is Al and… Kenny", Jerry said. 

Man these guys were good at acting. 

"Yeah. Bob, the other guy is your son", the third cop said. 

The cops in this town had learned our names, faces, where we live and who our parents is. They knew everything about us to keep track on us.

Bob didn't have to pretend being a sad father who just found out that his son was dead, he really was. 

All this was so unreal. I hadn't really understood what had happened yet. I was the one who killed Al. What would happen to me now? Would the guys kick me out of the club?

The cops took Bobby with them to the station to talk with him more private.

I put on my west and headed for the door when the cops had left.

"Where are you going?" Jerry asked. 

"I have to go see Matt", I said. "I'll be back later." 

"Bring Matt, we want to know who he is", he said. 

I went to Matt's place. The police had taken away the bodies and cleaned up everything outside the house.

I knocked on the door and Matt opened right away. 

"Hey", he said. 

"Hi. How is everyone doing?" I asked. 

"Mom and dad are both pretty choked up", he said. "They headed home." 

"And you?" I asked. 

"This whole thing is pretty sick but I'll deal with it", he said. 

"So you won't think that I'm a sick psychopath or something now?" I asked. 

"No, you just became a little bit more badass", he chuckled. 

"Good to hear", I said and kissed him. 

"What happens now?" he asked. 

"Well the guys wants to meet you", I said. 

"Meet me or kill me?" he asked. 

"Some of them would probably want to kill you, and me. But Bobby won't let that happen", I said. 

"Who's Bobby?" he asked. 

"He's Kenny's dad, my uncle and now the president of the club", I said. 

"Shouldn't he want us dead the most then?" he asked. 

"Probably but he understands that it wasn't our fault what happened."

"It sort of feel like it." 

"Yeah I know", I said. "Well shall we?" 

"Sure", he said and sighed. 

"Don't worry, I have my gun on me", I smiled. 

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