Chapter 8

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"Gogeta..." King Kai called out, I looked behind and nodded. "The Saiyans are landing on Earth tomorrow..." I finished.

"Are you prepared?" He asked, my crossed arms dropped to my side, "Frankly... No." I answered and looked up. "One thing I know... I'll be fighting someone... someone who was famous in our planet.... Well at least, that's my hunch."

He nodded, walking away as Goku approached. "Why are you looking gloomy?" He asked and patted my back, "At least someone's laid backed." I joked and chuckled. "I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders.

"I been meaning to ask you this all along. But, why is your hair blonde then changes back to black and back again?" He asked, making me stare at him. "It's a transformation. Something I have achieved through painful training." I said, trying my best not to remember that memory.

"Oou~ I also want to have that transformation. Is it stronger than Kaiō-ken?" He asked, "Your 'technique' puts stress on your body heavily as you increase it. Mine does too, but power doesn't increase like yours, or speed. However, one flaw is that this transformation..." I then transformed into a super saiyan. "Drains one's stamina really fast." I said, "And it makes a person change. For example, if you were to transform into this, you would be violent. Unless you can control it, use it correctly and master it." I then reverted back.

"Say what? I was distracted." He replied, making my eyebrows twitch. "Next time." I sighed, "We heading back to Earth. It will take a long time Gogeta. Since we'll be running. We can't afford to waste our ki flying." he said seriously, and glanced at me. "Yeah. I know that." I replied.

"Well then. Want to spar? Go all out. Just like we did when you were young." I asked, making my stance. He smiled and jumped back and put on his stance. "HERE I GO!!!" We both yelled as we ran to each other. Punching continuous times at each other, we both dodged and deflected and jumped back. "KAMEHAME!!!" Goku shouted and I charged up at him, as I sent a punch, he let himself fall to his left and outstretched his arms. "HA!!!!!"


Goku, with his fist and arm outstretched at Gogeta, who arrived on Earth a few days ago. "Who are you kid?" Gogeta asked as he caught the punch, "I'm Son Goku. I'm not a kid." he replied. "Well to me, you seem like a kid."

Goku grind his teeth and got his arm free, he then jumped back with his stance. "I'm busy here. So do me a favour and get out of here." The older saiyan said and brushed his shoulder, clearing the dust. Goku narrowed his eyes and ran up to him, Gogeta snickered and threw the younger saiyan down to the ground as he approached.

"Ka-Me-Ha-Me-HAAA!!" Goku yelled as he placed his hands together and stretched it out to Gogeta who flew up, "A ki blast. Not that powerful." he murmured to himself before looking back down at Goku. "Well then."

Gogeta clapped his hands together and flew down to Goku, who was caught off guard, Gogeta then picked him up from the ground and threw him to the sky. "Burst Rush!"

Gogeta speed then increased and appeared behind Goku and punched him, he then drives down and pushed Goku with him, making the young saiyan crash into the ground, hard. He then placed a hand on Goku's face, "You had a chance. And you used it." Gogeta said.

Goku smiled as he kicked Gogeta, who was just in reach. As Gogeta let go, Goku punched him away. He reached for his pole behind his back, extended it and grinned. As Gou charged up to Gogeta with his pole, he started to swing it around as Gogeta managed to dodge. "Son Goku! My name is Gogeta!" Gogeta smiled as he grabbed Goku's power pole.

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