The World Of Black Butler

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{So this chapter applies to everyone, Yay! Togetherness and rainbows and now I want to puke. Sorry. Anyway the characters are currently Sebastian, Ciel, Grell, William, and Undertaker. I may add others if requested. Also, at some point in a scenario, each reader will make an attempt to return to the Real World so If anyone can guess which order the readers will try in, I'll write you a special scenario. If you guess the ones that haven't been revealed yet that is. So without further ado, chapter 1 }

This has positively been the best day in Your memory. A nice lie in, your favourite (f/c) jacket adorned, a fun day out in town, and now you were walking through the door of, what was in your opinion, the best place in the world. Walking across the room you slowly ran your fingertips across the spines of a row of plastic covered books. If you hadn't guessed already, you were in a comic store. (If you don't like comics/manga then a)why are you reading this?? And b) pretend you do just for now)

The smell of the new unread volumes was one of the best smells You'd ever known and after a few moments of movie like calm admiration you let out a shriek of joy. Who wouldn't! If only you had the cash to buy everything. But no, you had to remain focussed. There was one particular volume you were looking for and you wouldn't find it by freaking out (as much as you wanted to). Rounding a corner you saw it and completely gave up on the whole calm thing, breaking out into a full blown victory dance as if no one in the world copy see you. Pulling it out of its place you wrapped your arms around it and held it tight before holding it out in front of her to look closer. The title read "Black Butler: (Insert volume number)" and a picture of (Ciel/Sebastian/Grell/William/Undertaker/Druitt despite the fact none of the volumes have him on) stared back and you smiled, at least until the room started moving. Everything was swirling out of proportion and the black cover seemed to take over most of the room, in fact all of it. Maybe you were fainting out of happiness? You didn't know.

Suddenly all the colour flooded back into the room, slightly blurred still, but it was there. Only it was a different room, or so it seemed. Looking down at yourself, you realised you were wearing a completely different set of clothes, a Victorian style cropped jacket replacing your other one. And most importantly your manga wasn't there. You were so desperately trying to find it, murmuring "black butler" and "kuroshitsuji" that you didn't even realise there was another person in the room.

"Black Butler? I think she's talking about Sebastian she is!" A voice exclaimed and your head snapped to the side. Since your vision had now cleared, you can't blame yourself for being slightly shocked to see Mey-Rin sitting there. (Stupid eyes taking to long to adjust.)

Getting up the redhead rang the room bell and in a matter of seconds, there they stood, the young master and his elegant butler. (I know that was over dramatic, but it's cool so it's fine...or something)

"You may leave now Meyrin," Sebastian commanded as you clambered off the bed and stood up. "I'm sure this fine gentleman needs some rest." Your eye twitched.

"GENTLEMAN! Huh???" Ciel smirked. Grabbing him by his collar you lifted him up so you could glare at him face to face. (Unless you are the same age as Ciel in which case you just glared at him.) "You may only have one eye, but I am a lady Thankyou very much."

"Well then you might try acting like one." Sebastian retorted prying the young master from your grip and setting him back on the floor. "Although I don't blame you for wanting to get a better look at the young lord, it is rather a pain to have to glare down at him all the time."

"That's enough Sebastian." The child brushed himself off before looking back up at you. "I am sorry for the misconception my lady, it's just not often that one finds an unconscious lady in the forest in mans clothing" You let out a small giggle and the butler raised an eyebrow in response.

"You guys are great! Best cosplay I've ever seen!" You laughed some more. "Now if you could please tell me where the heck I am that would be most appreciated, 'Lord Phantomhive'"

"In my manor I believe, on the outskirts of London." He replied trying not to act annoyed.

"Impossible," you laughed walking over to the window, "it is impossible... isn't it?" All that lay beyond the window was plain fields of lush green. You turned around. "If you are really Ciel Phantomhive, then prove it. Order Sebastian to prove to me that he's a demon." Both their faces turned to a state of utter shock.

"Sebastian, if she knows your not human, then that means..." Ciel trailed off.

"Yes, my young lord, there's no doubt about it...

... she must be part cat." Ciel's face fell.

"IDIOT! That's not what I meant!!"

"Heh heh heh," came a chuckle from You (yes reader-San that is the best laughing text I can do) "on second thoughts, you already proved yourself more than enough. No fan would disgrace Sebastian's intelligence that much in a million years. So tell me, where am I in the story line?"

{Did you like it? Hate it? Are too lazy to comment like me? XD well alll comments are welcome including negatives, so go crazy!}

Black Butler: Alternate UniverseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz