You Get Back Together

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{Before I say anything else, I want to thank an author (who's name unfortunately would not copy over) who wrote an incredible Grell one shot (Oneshot Collection(Multiple Animes)) based on one of my stories. It made me insanely happy and I think you should all go read it, especially since I based my Grell story this time around off that story :) I finally learnt how to link things! ahh, such a momentous occasion! (heh, it didn't link on wattpad... foiled again! sorry.}


"Come on come on come on!" Elizabeth shouts delightedly in your ear as she leads you forward completely blindfolded.

"This better not be another tea party." You sigh. "You're 13, you should have grown out of them by now."

"Tea parties are perfectly acceptable at my age and every age!" She protests reminding you of the age you're living in. "Besides, this is most definitely not a tea party! Although we might have one to celebrate..." she trails off.

"To celebrate what?" You ask on your best innocent voice.

"Why, yours and-"

"Shhh! Miss Elizabeth!" Comes Finny's voice from behind. "It's a secret remember?" You wonder how long Finnian had even been there for.

"Oh! Right." She giggles pushing you through a door way and closing it behind you. You realise you're now in a room all by yourself and reach up to pull of the blind fold when a set of fingers curl round yours and stop you. You smile slightly as your hand is brought up to meet someone's lips.

"I think I owe you an apology," comes a quiet voice. "I know I'm pathetic, I can't even say this to your face. But (y/n), could you ever forgive me?" He squeezes your hand even tighter. "You're nothing like Lizzy." You smile and remove the blindfold with your free hand.

"How come?" You ask.

"Simple," Ciel replies pressing his lips gently against yours. "I love you." You smile.

"You're forgiven then, although" you glance at the door. "I take it you heard all that Lizzy.

"Yes!" She bursts straight through the door and rushes straight at the Earl. "How could you possibly say you don't love me Ciel??! You're so mean!"

"Lizzy, I-" he looks over at you laughing in the corner. "Oh, I give up. Sebastian!"

"I love you too!" You call as you close the door on their little fight sighing in happiness. "Silly little Earl,"


Not again. Not again! They had all left you again, all alone without a single explanation, stations completely abandoned and the young master nowhere in sight. Not that they cared about whether you knew what was going on in the first place but you thought that at least the other servants might clue you in as they had done on the past. But no. Nothing, all over again. You retire to a corner of the garden listening to the birds for the short minutes before you hear the sound of approaching footsteps. You sigh, maybe someone cares then? Who knows?

{ previously}

"So, what are you all doing here?" The young master asked the collection of servants stood in front of him. "Do I need to call Sebastian in to make sure you get back to work?" He threatened lightly.

"No!" Finnian yells.

"You don't need to do that you don't!" The maid squealed.

"We're jus' worried abou' Sebastian. And have come up with a plan o' sorts." Baldo explained.

"Alright," Ciel smirked, "I'm listening." Just as the servants were about to explain the room seemed to grow cold and darkened as if a cloud had passed in front of the window. Only thing was, it was a completely clear day. The door swung open and a certain butler stood glaring at the lot of them. Seconds passed in silence and a door was heard being slammed in the distance. The Earl glances out the window to see you marching down the driveway and away from the manor. He smiles and fiddles with his eyepatch.

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