you're Clumsy/He saves you

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{some cute scenarios suggested an age ago by Leaf Mealone :) all a little shorter this time around to save time. Also special thanks to Endrie Mahalienis for finally motivating me to finish this! I re read it recently and it's really all quite funny. Some of it's so bad I want to cry! But some of it I'm actually pretty proud of so I'll maybe try finish it this time around? What do you think? :) }


The darkness was almost suffocating, a single lit tea light shining across the room. You were holding your breath and waiting. Waiting for the pair of red-pink irises to shine through the darkness.

"Benedict Santiago," you whispered. "I summon you to fulfil our contract." A slight breeze blew through the room, but whether it was caused by Sebastian, who you knew was waiting outside the window with Ciel, or Benedict you couldn't tell. Then, despite the way Sebastian had arranged the room so your demon counterpart would almost certainly spawn across the room from you, by the open window, the protective charms at your feet did nothing to stop those terrifying, gleaming eyes from appearing in front of you.

You duck backwards, bringing arms up to shield your face.

"Ciel!" You scream as the demon begins to chuckle.

"You asked for this my lady," he smirked. "You want to fulfil our contract, then see it fulfilled! You already are home." He cackled some more and you suddenly go cold, as if all the happiness is being sucked from you. Your soul... this is it... it's all over. Everything fades to black.

"(Y/n)?" You hear a voice mumble in the distance.

"Ciel..." You murmur, strangely reminded of your first day I this world as you look up and the colours try to distinguish themselves from the blurry mess that is your vision. "I'm alive?"

"Please," Ciel murmurs back, "if i couldn't do this much for the girl I love, what kind of earl would I be?"


Have you ever just walked into a room, taken one look at the people in it, the decorations and the goofy looks on their faces, and thought to yourself, WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE?!

Well imagine that, but probably 100 times worse whiff coming from the middle of the kitchen where what might be called a cake sat beneath the hand made banners.

"Here miss (y/n)!" Finny cried running across the room holding a piece in front of your nose. "You really should try some!"

"I-I'm ok," you push it away trying not to vomit at the sight of the greenish sludge running down the side of it. "How about you offer some of tha- the cake to Mey-Rin? It is her birthday after all."

"Alright!" He smiles and runs off toward the red headed maid who dodges him and goes to join Bardroy. Not even he ate any sludge cake.

Deciding that you would all end up starving if nothing was done soon, you grab some bread and try making up some sandwiches. You lift the knife simultaneously looking around the room. It was kinda sweet all the effort they had put in to give the redhead a good time. You smile and daze off a little thinking of what it would be like if you could only get home for your birthday.


You turn and stare at the knife, inches away from having cut your fingers off. Then you look up at the person who moved your fingers out the way, and smile. The butler of the estate kisses each one in turn.

"Mhm, what have I told you about being careful in the kitchen (y/n)," he sighs.

"A great many things," you laugh, "but none of the matter in the slightest!"

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