The school

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Sherlock sat morose in the compartment of the 'magical train', looking out at the flocks of people. The life as knew had been destroyed over the course of a month. The cherished rules of the 'muggle' world (A term for non magical beings as he had recently learned) he had known applied no longer. Even his parents had known about this. His great grandfather was a wizard, whom coincidentally he was also named after. Great! He knew now whom to blame for his weird name as well as him being a wizard. Their parents had not known much. They hadn't known how it actually worked or where was this school. But they had hoped that when Mycroft was born, he would be the gifted one; given how smart he was. 

But Sherlock got the 'gift'. And as a reward, they took him to a dodgy pub in London called Leaky Cauldron. 

Albeit because the magical Diagon Alley was behind the pub. The owner was happy to oblige them an entry upon seeing the Hogwarts letter.

He now had weird potion stuff, a cauldron, a brass scale, the weird magical books which he hadn't touched (a difficulty in itself), the foolish robes and what not. He had a pointy hat for Godssake! And the wand.

His hands itched to get the wand out, to try it out once more as he had done in that dusty old wand shop. He could not believe that a 13 inch stick of pinewood had a dragon's heart string at it's core and can perform magic. He liked Mr. Ollivander, the shop owner though. There was something very intriguing about him. He kept thinking about the warmth he had felt in his hand when he took his wand. Could this world really be true? 

Sherlock knew there was no use second guessing himself. He was in this train. He had himself passed through platform's wall to get here. He had seen the Gringotts bank and the goblins working there. 'Stop this,' he admonished himself. 'Widen your mind. You can definitely understand this. This is just like new subject, previously unknown. Embrace it.' 

Suddenly the compartment door opened and a harrowed looking boy of his age lugged his trunk in. He was small and slight, with mousy hair. He immediately went to the window and waved at a couple who were waving back at him. Sherlock glanced at him and the couple, probably his parents. The woman looked very similar to the boy. 

The train started moving. The boy still looked out of the window till the station disappeared. Sherlock wondered if the train had come out of Kings Cross Station or were they somewhere else.

The boy sighed and went back to his heavy luggage. He tried to heave it on the shelf above their heads. He even once or twice glanced at Sherlock, hoping he would help him. But Sherlock was busy looking out of the window.

Finally the boy gave up and flopped on the seat.

"Hi, I'm John Watson," the boy offered his hands.

Sherlock hesitated but he took his hand. "Sherlock Holmes. I thought Wizards mostly had weird names. Are you a muggleborn? Or maybe your dad is. Yeah, he is the muggle born one, isn't he? I saw him a bit bewildered when you waved, clutching tightly on his car keys. But your mum's clearly a wizard. I saw the wand sticking out of her big purse."

John sat there, looking wide eyed. "Whoa," he replied. "When did you notice all that?"

John had a hint of admiration in his tone, which pleased Sherlock. Usually the adults are annoyed with him and the children, being more honest, tell him to piss off.

He just shrugged. John continued, "You're right though. My dad's the muggle one. We all knew about Hogwarts and stuff. But dad insists that we don't talk about it."

"He was happy when your brother didn't turn out to be a wizard?"


"The clothes are clearly hand me downs. Probably belonging to an elder sibling. But he isn't here. Meaning he is probably a normal kid," Sherlock commented on his sweater and pants. John frowned and didn't say anything anymore. Sherlock guessed that he too had gotten offended like everybody else when he said anything. And here he was hoping he had actually possibly gotten a friend. Which made Sherlock sulk and he too looked out of the window at the passing pastures.

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