The headmaster

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Everybody ran outside while Prof Sudol futilely tried to stop them. But nobody listened to her. Sighing she followed them outside to see Peeves battling an old knight's armor, his sword to Peeves's stick.

"Ha, you call that swordsmanship? My hat fights better than you!" Peeves egged the knight. The silver knight armor had no face, but it was clear that it was angry. It fought more furiously.

Greg and others cheered Peeves. Peeves had an interestingly ugly appearance, Sherlock noticed. Which would make adults screw their noses in disdain and attract children. Even the silent Mary Morstan was cheering loudly. Prof Sudol tried to shoo them away. But Peeves kept the battle obstinately outside her class.

"Don't mind Prof Sudol. We're just having bit of fun. You can take your classes. We have no objection, do we knighty?" Peeves teased the knight. The knight's helmet chattered.

"Yeah yeah, bring it on!" Peeves said, apparently understanding. Suddenly the knight's helmet raised and it whistled. Three knights, bigger and noisier came out of nowhere. They came hacking their big swords on the walls in the narrow passage. Peeves looked scared. He muttered something threw the sticks in his hands towards the kids. Prof Sudol, being the tallest among them got hit by the most and she promptly crumpled to the ground. Peeves looked at the unconscious teacher and vanished in a poof. But that didn't calm the knights down. They were marching straight to the first years.

Now the first years were in proper panic. The four knights looked mad that their target had escaped. Their swords were probably blunt but they were still big. And their group was backed into the DADA classroom. 

"Somebody should call a teacher!" Sally yelled.

"Great idea! Why don't you go?" John yelled back. The knights had blocked the exit. Prof Sudol laid outside, ironically safer than the kids. 

"Let's throw the benches at them," the third Gryffindor, Kittie Ainsley suggested enthusiastically.

Greg face palmed. "I'm surrounded by idiots!"

Till then Mary Morstan had already gone to the back of the room trying to find a hiding place.

"No use fighting them!" she yelled. "climb on the high places where they can't reach!" And she conveniently climbed the only cupboard. One of the Knights saw her and he stomped towards her. Mary clung to the wall but the knight's sword was long enough.

"No!" John yelled and picked up a heavy book Prof Sudol had brought. With surprising accuracy, he threw the book at the knight's head. It hit him and the knight turned to him. Sherlock was in full panic mode.

'We need to get the swords away," he spoke. "They're slow and pretty much harmless without them."

"Ugh, those spells are higher level," Sally said. "We only learned the flying spell today. It's useless. I don't even remember what it was."

Sherlock got an idea. "No it's not!" He awkwardly whipped his wand out, still not used to it and yelled at the knight who was advancing towards John. 

"Wingardium Leviosa!" he flicked his wand just as their charms Prof Flitwick taught. Unbeknownst to him, Mary had had the same idea and she tried that spell at the same time. Sherlock's spell had aimed the sword and it flew into air. But Mary was more ambitious than him. She aimed at the heavy knight itself, hoping that it would be flown off. 

It was stupid of her. They had only practiced on the feather that afternoon. And the knight, even though hollow, weighed a lot. The knight was just knocked off it's balance. It tripped and fell forward. Onto John.

John tried to back away but it crashed on his right foot. He screamed and Sherlock's concentration broke. He wavered for a moment and the sword crashed to the ground. 

Sherlock began to run to help John but Greg stopped him.

"You're clearly the best at spells here. There are three other knights with swords. I'll help John, go!"

Unwillingly Sherlock turned to see the five hufflepuffs throwing anything they could get at the knights, including books and chalks while Kittie was pulling the benches, thankfully not to throw but to create a barricade. But it was stupid as it cornered them only. Inspired by Sherlock, Sally was trying the spell on the remaining swords. But she could manage them for a few seconds only before they fell down. The knights just picked the swords up again.

Sherlock rushed to her. "Don't lift all at once, Sally. You take his sword, I'll lift the others," he yelled. Frightened, Sally nodded and concentrated on one knight. She lifted its sword and flew it away. While Sherlock flew the swords above their heads and moved them upside down. Then he released the swords, making them flatten their owner.

By then the ruckus had attracted people. Prof Dumbledore and Prof Mcgonagall came rushing to their classroom, Professor Flitwick behind them. Prof Dumbledore took care of the remaining Knight in a flash. He didn't even utter any spell.

Prof McGonagall rushed to John. Greg had managed to lift the knight's armor up. But he dared not move John. His leg looked pretty bad. 

"Take him to Madam Pomfrey in the hospital wing along with Prof Sudol here," Prof Dumbledore said. He moved the benches with his wand and freed the hufflepuffs.

"What happened here?" he asked.

"Sherlock saved us all," Greg spoke up, pointing to Sherlock. Prof Dumbledore looked at him.

Sherlock sighed and explained. "Peeves the poltergeist had a fight with the knight." He told Professor what exactly took place.

"You certainly showed bravery and skill and so did Mr. Watson, going after the knight with a book. 20 points to Mr. Holmes and Watson. And five points to everyone else. You fought bravely too," Dumbledore awarded. He smiled but there was worry in his eyes. He turned and dispersed the crowds before walking away himself. 

Greg and the Hufflepuffs congratulated him. Even Sally grudgingly admitted that he did good. Only Mary walked away quietly.

Sherlock felt glad to be accepted. But he wanted to talk to the Headmaster about something so he quickly excused himself and ran after the headmaster.

Sherlock quickly found him. He was talking to Prof Flitwick as they walked. 

"-don't get aggressive on their own Filius. The knights are here to protect the castle. Not-" Suddenly Dumbledore paused and turned around.

"Yes Mr. Holmes?" he saw Sherlock. Sherlock momentarily went speechless by the information he just overheard.

"Ah," he looked around.

"Did you lose your way to your dormitory? Aren't you a Ravenclaw? Prof Flitwick can-" 

"I didn't lose my way. I remember, thank you," Sherlock cut Prof. Dumbledore, suddenly finding his speech. 

Prof Flitwick looked shocked. But Prof Dumbledore merely gestured him to go on, his eyes twinkling.

"I just wanted to talk to you about something," Sherlock said.

"What is it?" 

"It's about the sorting. I think... I think I should be in Gryffindor. The sorting hat said so itself."

Dumbledore frowned and looked at his cloak where the Ravenclaw colours were. 

"Well... It said Ravenclaw out loud. But it said Gryffindor first! In my mind!" Sherlock wondered if he sounded crazy. But he had just fought off hollow armors with pinewood. The definitions of crazy didn't apply here.

Dumbledore said kindly, "You should trust the Hat, Mr. Holmes. If it thinks you'll flourish in Ravenclaw, then you will." And he turned around the corner, leaving young Sherlock alone in the corridor.


Next update on Tuesday. That shall be the schedule of updates as long as I can keep it.. Tuesday and Friday.

Please comment your thoughts, I have never written a mystery before, nor any fan fiction.

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