Was the 'Montreal Screwjob' a work?

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If you know your WWE history, most wrestling fans know the scandal of the "Montreal Screwjob"

   If you know your WWE history, most wrestling fans know the scandal of the "Montreal Screwjob"

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The conspiracy is that it was a work. Just for entertainment purposes. So, one of the first reasons some people may forget to ponder about is that...Wrestling is for entertainment, and they love to make things look very real and far more worse than it actually is.

The thing that usually gives them away is the fact that these 'shoot' events were caught on camera, if it was an actual shoot, or real life event, surely the WWE wouldn't catch it on camera, or broadcast it.

Remember a few months ago how they caught on tape Sasha training, then Nina attacking her?

   Vince knew he had to release Bret and so decided use this as a way of boosting his own ratings. Bret agreed to the screwjob in order to create a storyline that would see him leave for the WCW with a bad taste in his mouth, which would be a story that would be returned to at some stage in the future when the WWE could afford to have Bret back.

Look at what the results of this were. Vince went on to be come the hated boss figure of the attitude era. The Montreal screwjob in fact kicked off this era. Vince became an excellent on-screen character and the WWE ratings began to rise.

Idk, i want to say it was a real incident, but it seems like a work as well. (im not gonna be posting all week since im major busy with stuff i don't want to do send help pls)

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