Shawn Michaels & Fake Injuries

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   Shawn seems to have a reoccurring trend here in this book huh?

   Shawn seems to have a reoccurring trend here in this book huh?

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Anyways, onto the conspiracy shall we?

Shawn Michaels temporarily retired in 1998-2002 due to severe back issues, but a conspiracy by the fans had roamed around that he was either faking to try and kick his drug habit or happily indulge himself into it.

The idea comes from the fact Michaels legitimately did a fake career injury less than a year prior to his "real" injury. He claimed he "lost his smile" and vacated the WWE Championship due to a fake knee injury.

Making some matters worse, he also as well may have made up a story about getting beat up by a group of Marines in 1995, in order to get out of losing his Intercontinental Championship.

When the Heartbreak Kid had injured his back into a casket match with the Deadman himself, fans were very much hesitant to believe him.

At this point, HBK definitely had a drug problem at this point so it makes sense to assume the two had something to do with one another.

   I don't believe this one as much as previous ones cause Shawn, regardless, definitely had destroyed his spine.. but who knows? Maybe it was all just a work.

What do you think?

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