Did the Ultimate Warrior know his impending death?

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   We've gone out and talked about the two Ultimate Warriors conspiracy, how one supposedly "died" and a new one had taken his place

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   We've gone out and talked about the two Ultimate Warriors conspiracy, how one supposedly "died" and a new one had taken his place.

   But, did this "new" (or same)Ultimate Warrior that was inducted to the Hall Of Fame know his death was coming? (I'm not sure if I went over this in another chapter, but here is a full one.)

   It's weird to imagine that The Ultimate Warrior passing away just a short time after his induction into the HOF.

   There are many who believed Warriors time was coming to an end.
    An autopsy revealed that Warrior passed by natural causes.
   During his speech, he joked about how sweaty he was and how he had "blown up" during his speech.

   Warrior didn't appear particularly healthy or steady, he was sweating profusely backstage, he staggered a bit and was short of breath.

      People believe that he knew because of his speech the following RAW, (I think. I can't remember)

"Every man's heart one day beats its final beat, his lungs breathe their final breath and if what that man did in his life makes the blood pulse through the body of others and makes them believe deeper in something larger than life, then his essence, his spirit will be immortalised."

   Warrior had even admitted he was fearing an early death. In a 1999 deposition he had stated, "I'm thinking about, you know—I just had my 37th birthday. I got 20 years left in my life maybe. I mean, you know, I'm doing these calculations in my head. My grandfather died at 52."

   Warrior was 54 and is survived by his wife Dana, his two daughters, his mother, his two sisters and two brothers.

I think he really did know his time was coming, sources say his family and Warrior himself was made aware of his greatly failing health. It was a precursor of him to make amends with WWE as a way to both say goodbye &I also to provide his family income.

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