Conflicting interest

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I walked over to them as they lay their materials on the couch and head to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen behind them. "Hello Nick"  my mom said as she began to pull out ingredients for a meal.  "Hey mom, how was your day at the NC?" "Good"  she says as I go over to the table, picking up the paper and showing it to her.

Her face turns serious, as she reads over the text, she then hands the paper to my father, who also reads over it.  "When did the NC come to your institute?"  My father says calmly "Earlier today, there was an esemble why?"  He leads my mother a little ways out the door, before they start conversing quietly.  I hear most of it from the kitchen. "Who allowed this, I know we're in some dire straits at the NC, but not enough to to try to get these inexperienced volunteers"  my father said as they continue.

NC, which stood for Nova Caeli, was the name of the head scientific devoplment facilities in my cavern, it  is also one of the few facilities still working very effectively. If the NC is having that much trouble, then maybe something bigger is going on then I originally anticpated. My parents would stay up some nights, talking about the devolpments and problems at the NC, I would listen most nights.

My mother and father returned to the room, serious looks on both of their faces. "So.... about the paper."  "No" they said almost immediately.  "Don't you want to join the NC work force when you get out of the institute? Your more than qualified, your grades are astounding" My mom said, trying to convince me. "I am also qualified for this" I say taking the paper. I may not have been a muscle bound jock, but I was lean enough to pass. "No, you can't do this" my father said, stern. "Your not gonna, I'm not gonna let you waste your intelligence on something like a chance to go to the surface"

My anger began to rise "Well I'am not gonna waste my life sitting behind a desk, confined to papers and lab work." I say as I head to my room, changing to a pair of pants and black shirt, with running shoes. Coming back out heading towards the door. "Nick wait" my mom said from the kitchen "This is for the best and me and your father know this" "No" I call back, opening the door "Its what you think is best"  I say before closing the door and walking into the darkness.

Hey guys how it been?  I hope you enjoy this chapter, I stayed up till around 2:30 in the morning working on it. Another will be out the pipeline soon

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