New school

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Jack's POV

I groan as I hear my alarm clock go of and tell's me to get ready for school. Ugh i'm going to a new school today. I jolt up and get out of bed as I realise i'm going to a new school. I get up and get ready, I put on some jeans, a white T shirt, and my blue hoody with snowflakes on it and grab my backpack and go down stairs to eat. I have my breakfast which is, Eggs with toast and coffee and some cereal. I do my hair a bit and leave it a bit messy I brush my snow white teeth and grab my bag and some money and head to Hiccup's house. Hiccup's my best friend he's also new at this school, we've been friends ever since year 1. I see Hiccup's house, which is just 3 houses away, and knock on the door. Hiccup opens it and he's up and ready just he needs his hair done. I laugh at his hair and walk in. "Hey dragon boy" I say. Hiccup loves dragons it's really funny yet awesome. "Hey winter spirit" I laugh at him. I love winter and I spread fun in winter to basically anyone I can even though when I do it they don't see me. "Just let me do my hair then we can go ok" He tells me. I nod and sit on his couch and watch a bit of TV waiting for Hiccup. After a few minutes Hiccup comes down and grabs his bag and we head of to school.

Elsa's POV

I arrive at school and go to the soccer field where I meet Astrid, Merida, Rupunzel or Punzie, Ruffnut and Heather. I see them and walk over to them. I see Astrid and Merida talking about sports and weapons. I smile when I hear them. I see Punzie with her boyfriend eugene but we call him flynn and I see ruff and heather talking about there crushes. Heathers = fishlegs I don't know why se likes him but she does. Ruff = Snotlout. The only two people who don't have crushes or boyfriends is Astrid and I, Merida has a boyfriend named Eret. "Hey girls" I say. "Hey Elsa" they say. "Hey Elsa did you hear there are 2 new boys coming and apparently there hot" Says Astrid. I laugh and nod. "Yea I heard and I heard they we're apparently hot to but I bet you they're player's, lots of hot guys are" I say to them and they all nod. "Actually there not players" Says eugene. "How would you know?" I ask. I like eugene he's nice and kind and sweet I just don't like him that way. "Cause I know them, there names are Jack and Hayden although we call Hayden dragon boy or Hiccup he doesn't mind, and I know there not cause we are family friends and I see them with my family every 2 weeks and they don't have girlfriends they never have"Eugene explains (Hiccup looks the same as he does in race to the edge season 4) oh ok I guess there not player but you never know. 

Jack's POV

I walk into school and I see a lot of girls look at us flirtatiously. Ugh I hate that. I walk to the office with Hiccup and we grab our schedule and locker number. I go to my locker and hiccup is just the locker next to mine and I open it and put my book in besides my drama, art books and close the door. I put my books in my bag and walk of with my bag on my back. I'm talking to Hiccup and bump into someone I see her fall and I grab her hand before she falls and look at her. She's really really pretty and she doesn't have that much make up on. "I-Im so so sorry I didn't see you there" I apologise. "It's ok at least you stopped me from falling" She says. I smile and pull her up. Once she's up she wipes her hands and looks at me. "I'm Jack, Jack frost" I introduce my name. She smiles at me. "I'm Elsa, Elsa Arrendale" Elsa says. I smile. "Well I better get going see you around Jack and Hayden or should I call you Hiccup or dragon boy?" Elsa says. Hiccup looks startled. "Anything you want I don't mind either" Hiccup say. "Ok well cya" and with that she's of I smile to myself and shake my head and head of to class.

I know, I know I took ages to update but i've been quite busy anyway I hope you liked it. Cya

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