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Hiccup's POV

After Jack's incident and my confusion we head to music class. "Hey Jack how do you think Elsa knew us? Do you think she knows Eugene?" I ask. " I think she knows Eugene or his girlfriend" He says. I nod and start paying attention to the the teacher. After class we went to Art then Geography, all the teachers like me cause i'm smart and I listen. They don't like Jack though he's a little bit of a trouble maker, oh who am I kidding he is a trouble maker, but he is funny. We head to recess and we see Eugene and Eret. They wave us over and we sit down with them. "Hey guys. Enjoying this school?" They ask at the same time. We all laugh. "No, I hate school but it's good that you guys are hear and by the way where is Snotlout and Fishlegs?" Asks Jack. "Yea where are they?" I put in. "Oh they where held in class for talking" Says Eret. "They'll be here any minute now and so will the girls." "The girls?" questions Jack. I laugh at him he hates having girls look at him and so do I but all of the girls in this group have crushes or boyfriends. "Yea the girls of the group" Says a feminine voice behind us. I look behind and see the most beautiful person I have ever seen. She has blonde hair with sky blue eyes and small freckles on her face and a fringe that cover one eye. I gulp. "And you must be Hiccup and Jack who is Hiccup and who is Jack?" She asks. "I-I'm Hiccup and that's Jack" I say and point to Jack. She nods and sits down. "My name is Astrid, nice to meet you both" She says to us. Me and Jack nod and the other girls come (You know there names/ Elsa comes later) Astrid and Merida talk about soccer and football, Heather is talking to Fishlegs, Ruffnut is talking to snotlout, Eret, Punzie, Eugene are talking about movies. Then Elsa comes. Jack stares at her as she sits than looks at me I shrug and look at Astrid. What a day.

Astrid's POV

I walk into the cafeteria after science class and look around for the gang. I see Eret and Eugene talking to two boys I don't know, there probably the new boys. I walk over and hear what there talking about. "The girls?" Asks one of the new boys with white hair. "Yea the girls of the group" I say. The two new boys look at me and my eyes are instantly drawn to a pair of forest green eyes. I look at him and see his light freckles start from his nose and faint away at his cheeks, his long auburn hair, his red beanie making him look even more cute and hot then before. I look at them"And you must be Hiccup and Jack who is Hiccup and who is Jack?"I ask. He points to himself and says. "I'm hiccup thats Jack" and he points to Jack. "My name is Astrid, nice to meet you both" I say and sit and they both nod the other girls come and me and Merida start talking about soccer and football. I keep glancing at Hiccup until the bell rang and I headed of to History. 

Jack's POV

I walk home with Hiccup. We hardly talk until we both get a message. 

(J= Jack, H= Hiccup, E= Elsa, A=Astrid)

E: Hey guys just asking if you 3 wanna come over?

A: Yea sure heading over now!!

J: Yep i'm coming!

H: Yea be right over.

E: Oh and boys my house is at 21 Arrendale Street

J: Ok be there in a min.

H: Ok thanks be there in min.

"Hey come one lets go" I say and he nods his head. I think we have new friends.

Hey guys I know I haven't done many chapter's but I just came back home from a 6 day camp. Hope you understand. BTW I'm now going on a holiday with my family so won't be able to write. Hope you understand and I hope you liked this chapter. Cya.

Hiccstrid and Jelsa in HighschoolWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt