Ugh, I really don't like that guy

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Hope you guys enjoy!!

Jack's POV

Another day of school, yay!!! NOT. I get ready in a casual outfit for a casual day.  I walk over to Hiccup's house, like a normal day, the only thing I'm looking forward to do at school is hang out with Elsa, as well as Hiccup and Astrid, but Elsa, oh my gosh, she is the prettiest girl I have ever met and I really like her. Her hair, the way her eyes sparkle when she is with her sister, the way she laughs. It's just beautiful. Once I get to Hiccup's we go to school on our skateboards to start a normal day.

After first 3 classes

I walk into the cafeteria and accidentally bump into someone and accidentally spill my water all over them, I look up and notice Hans. Greeaaatt!! I back away, I know I can take him but I don't really want to cause a scene more then I already have. I start to back away a little more until I bump into a table, this day keeps getting better and better doesn't it. "Did you just spill water on me you piece of sh-" he starts saying but stops when he notices something. I look behind me and there is Elsa, standing in all her glory and looking between us. I motion for help and I think she gets it, I see her starting to go for help, probably to get Hiccup or a teacher. I look back at Hans until I notice him moving towards Elsa. He grabs her wrist in a death hold and I think I heard a snap. I look at Elsa seeing the pain in her face and eyes. I start walking over there. "If you go and get a teacher after I let go I'll beat the crap out of your boyfriend there and you" He says nodding his head towards me. I start growing angry and as soon as you know it I'm running towards him, I snatch his hand of her wrist and I motion her to get away. "Don't you dare threaten or touch her like that ever again, don't even look at her. I will know if you do and your gonna hate what happens next, if I were you I would leave now before you regret it" I say through gritted teeth. He glares at me and walks away with his friends. I look at Elsa and all my anger is washed away when I see the tears falling down her cheeks. "Hey, hey, are you alright?" I ask, why did I even ask that question, she isn't alright, it looks like she broke her wrist. She shakes her head. "C'mon, lets get you to sick bay, I think he broke your wrist" I grab her other hand and we start walking to sick bay.

Once we get there, I instantly call 911 for an ambulance and when it gets here we go to hospital. I have to sit in the waiting room, I don't mind waiting as long as she is alright. I tell the doctor what happened and he lets me see her. "Hey, you alright?" I ask. She nods her head. "I'm sorry about Hans, I really don't like that guy" She smiles and laughs a little. "It's alright, I don't like him either, I hate him" She says and I nod my head in agreement. After a while of talking to her I leave her to rest and I call her mum and dad, even though they don't live together, they need to know when there daughter is hurt. I only leave when her parents get here. 

Elsa's POV

I walk into the cafeteria, I can't wait to see Jack.  As I walk in I see Hans backing Jack into the desk. "Did you just spill water on me you piece of sh-" he starts to say until he sees me. Jack motions for help and I turn around to go tell a teacher and get Hiccup, who ever I hear first. I start walking away until I get pulled back by hans. His grip on my wrist snaps it, I instantly feel pain and tears form in my eye. I won't cry, Elsa don't you dare cry. I hold back the tears. "You will sleep with me or your boyfriend over there gets it. And if you go and get a teacher after I let go I'll beat the crap out of your boyfriend there and you" I nod my head and I see Jack running in my direction. He takes hans' hand of me and I pull my arm back. "Don't you dare threaten or touch her like that ever again, don't even look at her. I will know if you do and your gonna hate what happens next, if I were you I would leave now before you regret it" I hear Jack say through gritted teeth. I can't help it, I let a few tears fall. After Hans walks away we head to the hospital, well that's all I remember. 

Hey guys, I know it's a short chapter but I had to update and I'm really busy. Sorry about that and I hope you guys enjoyed. 

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