The beginning.

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All I've ever known was inhaling the dozens of chemicals from a little white stick. These sticks so destructive, yet so satisfying, for whatever reason, I refuse to question.

Another self destructive habit of mine was getting black out drunk in order to feel as if I'm in control; Though I am in control, it never really seems that way... Hell, this would be a fantastic tinder bio, but that's not the matter of subject right now.

My name is Solaris Black.

I believe that change is good, but change is easier said than done, especially when it's you who is trying to change.

The clock that hang strongly on my office wall read 7:00. It was time for me to stop working. This isn't to say I'm on any schedule, I'm a freelance photographer, but I like to think I have a routine even though that's far from the truth; organization is not my best skill.

Tonight was another average Friday night. I'm not an alcoholic, and don't mistake me for a frat-boy or a typical party slut, but I did go out to a bar or local crap-party at least 3 times a week, usually more.

This week however, I've been on withdrawal, stuck at home trying to fix my camera and and email wedding photos to clients. I didn't always work weddings, but that was just one of the typical ones.

It was June after all, and that's when I make most of my money in the year.

Anyway, I've been stuck here alone, and I knew I had to get out. I'd stopped my work about an hour ago, earlier than usual.

I was heading to a bar that was 20 minutes away, and Los Angeles traffic was no joke on a Friday night.

The bars are all the same, and the men all taste the same. The liquor all strong and overpriced; I wanted a change of scenery.

Instead I was just going to some house party my coworkers were talking about. I was told there would be some good bands playing there, and I supposedly couldn't miss out on that- they say this about every new and upcoming band in California though.

Eventually, I did leave my house, and I eventually did make it to the medium sized house within an hour.

As I pulled up, there were around 7 cars parked in the driveway and along the curb. Some cars beaten down, and others were expensive and polished. I turned off the engine and stuffed my keys deep into my pocket, getting out of the car. I walked up the pavement, my not-so-tall heels clanking on the ground with each step I took.

I took a quick glance around where I was standing as I suddenly became almost terrified to walk into this place where I would be pressed up to random drunk out of their mind strangers for the next few hours.

I planted myself in the spot I was in as I become more puzzled on why I was simply scared to walk in. I do this every weekend. I would go and basically dance away the problems from my hell of a workplace but for some reason this time I was filled with fright. As I was starting to get a bunch of looks from people for just standing there I shoved my hands into the pockets of my leather jacket, took a deep breath and walked inside.

Some mainstream rap song was blasting throughout the house and lights were flashing all throughout the place along with the beat of the song. I looked around for basically any place to maybe light my little cancer sticks and just relax a little or just do whatever the hell I wanted to. I grabbed another damaging stick out of my pocket and lit the cigarette and started to inhale all the chemicals as I wondered around the place just to find some place to be.

After a few minutes of searching I found a spot in the room to just chill. No one was at the spot besides a boy who seemed he didn't really wanna be there. He was just focused on his tiny glowing screen just typing away. I glanced over at him a few times and next thing I knew I was staring at him just trying to make it seem like I wasn't at all.

He was just so..beautiful. His face looked like he could've be sculptured by the gods while his emerald eyes sparkled and lit up the whole room. Of course he finally catches me staring and I quickly move my head to hide the fact and play it off. That obviously didn't work as he flashed a smile towards me and looked away then looked back up at me again. This time he was staring at me. I looked at him and just laughed a little.

"take a picture. It lasts longer" A small smirk creeped onto my face
"oh? Well I might" He lets out a small chuckle as he quickly snaps a photo of me on his little phone
"Hey! You don't even know me creep" I rolled my eyes and inhaled some more chemicals as he just laughs
"well someone as pretty as you I would love to know" I rolled my eyes as he spoke just knowing he was only being nice and didn't really think I was that pretty but I just went with it anyway.

He seemed pretty nice and honestly not the type of person to be at a party like this. He seemed more like the person who'd be at his house maybe with some of his best buddies just playing video games, not here at a party.
"I'm Solaris." "I'm Adam."
I don't know why but the way his voice said his name made me all tingly inside. It was so weird. I refused to believe I was maybe starting to gain feelings so I just pushed this feeling aside.
"Nice to meet you Solaris." Him just saying my name made the feeling completely worse and I wanted to shoot myself. I just met the guy and it was only probably gonna be a one night thing. I was just probably gonna end up fucking him then we were gonna forget about each other after. I didn't wanna forget his face. I didn't wanna forget how he spoke. I didn't wanna forget h-

hold on.

Pause yourself Sol. This is ridiculous.

"it's nice to meet you too Adam." Yeah it's so nice to "meet" you just to forget about you the next day. Just lovely.
"So uh do you wanna go on the roof or something? Away from everyone, ya know?" No. No I don't. I don't want to have it only be us because it will just make forgetting about this night harder.

"Yeah sure, I'd love to" I flashed a little smile while in my mind I was face palming. you're a dumb ass Solaris. You know you don't want to but you of course said yes

"Alright! Well let's go" He chuckled as he starts to find his way through all the dancing drunks and as he started to walk away towards the doors I thought well maybe this was my chance to run. run to my car and just go home and order some pizza but nope. You know what I did? I followed him out.

"you coming up or what?" He laughs as I look up to see him already on the roof just laying there

"geez! How'd you get up so fast?!" I let out a laugh as I climbed up on the roof and laid next to him
"I'm magical that's how" He turned his head to look over at me and my god. his eyes looked even more beautiful in the mo- solaris shut the fuck up. NO! DON'T THINK OF ADAM LIKE THAT.

"Oh yeah sure so magical" I laugh as I turn my head to face him as well. I couldn't really help but think of how amazing he looked. He was like a masterpiece. I truly hated myself for thinking about him this way knowing this was gonna be the only night I'd ever see him again and he'd just be apart of my past that I didn't even remember.

"hey! Are you doubting me?!"
"oh no! I'm sorry for doubting the all magical Adam!" we both looked at each other and just laughed for a few minutes then smiled at each other
"ya know. The stars look really pretty out tonight." He says as he looked back up at the sky and as I did the same.

"Yeah. They really do."

Well that's the first chapter :) I had to close it here but expect a second chapter soon :) also let me know what ya think! x

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